< Chapter Thirteen >

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You stare for answers, hoping Eda comes up with something criminally stupid like she usually would. she sits, back against a tall, wide oak tree, her eyes only managed to portray fear and anger. Hesitant, you reach out to place your hand on her shoulder as of form of reassurance.

"We will get her back, don't worry. All we have to do it think of a plan and be-"

"Please, stop it"

Her tone is soft, as if she was ready to break into tears.

"How are we going to save her... let's face is we can't get through them all, there's too many."

For once you felt like she was talking more responsibly then you ever have. Usually this would be the part where someone comes up with a soul shocking speech,
you attempt a shot at it despite knowing you will most likely fail miserably.

"We can't face them with an attitude like that."

She looks at you unimpressed as to say not now. Wrong set of words i guess. You go to sit next to her, looking around at your surroundings, then subtly glancing at Eda.

"Look I know that there is loads of them and not as many of us but your Eda, may I remind you, the owl lady. Now to you that might not sound much but to most of those guards in there, that name strikes fear into them"

"But them having the kid gives them more over me"

You lean a little bit over and side hugged her.

"I know I'm not much but you have me to help you, you're not alone in this"

She embraces your hug.

"Thank you (Y/N).."

She takes a long pause and a deep breath, she turns her head to be facing you. Your able to see a subtle smile on her face, adding more time to the pause, she stares at you lifting her arm up to caress the side of you face. You both take a minute to stare at each other, you lay your hand on hers, still on your face. A part of you wants this to go on forever, but you know you still have a rescue mission to do. The question is though, how will you save them?

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