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Narrator's POV

It was a normal morning at UA. Some students were still flowing in the school, some was already in the buildings, some were chatting to eachother.

Rimuru was seen hanging in his own office, with a cup of coffee and a toast in his hands. We can tell he was enjoying the view of the students flowing in the school.

He finished eating the food 'includes the coffee mug, yeah he eat the mug again' he then melted into his slime form and was rolling around the room.

"Ahh yes! I almost forgot what it feels like to be a slime!" He said as he hops around the floor before melting flat on the floor.

But his relaxing time has soon come to an end as someone was knocking his door.

He forms back to his human form and gets the door. It was almight buff form.

"HELLO THERE RIMURU-KUN. HOW ARE YOU TODAY?" Almight asked. "I'm fine almight, do you need anything?" Rimuru asks.

"I WAS WONDERING IF YOU WANT TO WALK TO CLASS WITH ME?" Almight ask"Oh yeah sure!" Rimuru replies.

After that they were walking to class and had only few conversations with almight being nervous around the small demonlord and Rimuru who was weird out by the smiling buff man.

They both arrived at the classroom door and almight let Rimuru goes in first.

Deku's POV

Once we all are seated Rimuru-sensei then walks in the class with his usual smile, but there was something off about the smile it looked...fake?

He walks to the front of the class and faked cough with a single sweat on his face'something is going to happen isn't it?' I thought.

"Alright students, today's activity will be a little bit different cause we have a spacial guest!" He said to us.

'A spacial guest? Who could it be?' I thought as the door opens.

My eyes then widen as the person walks in"I AM HERE WALKING TROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!" It was almight!?

Rimuru then face palmed"almight let me tell you, a normal person doesn't need to annouce what are they doing so please be more quiet you are too loud" he said tiredly.

Rimuru then said"alright everyone, today almight will be in charge of the lessons so be on your best behavior" finishing with a stretch and snaping his finger. Our uniform shelf them pops out from the wall.

Without a second word he dissapear leaving almight.

Rimuru's POV

I got out of the class and wandering around the school whistling a calm quiet tone.

'I wonder if i can get out the school'
<Yes you can but the percentage of you getting recognized by tons of people is 100% and will cause 100% troubles. I suggest you take a desguise.>
Ciel voice rang in my head
'Ho thank you ciel'
<Praise me moreÙwÚ>

I ignore her and took a form for desguise

After i checked that no one was around i put up my mask and teleport out of there

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After i checked that no one was around i put up my mask and teleport out of there.

I appeared in a dark emty alley way behind a dumster. I poke my head out and met with a busy sight of people roaming around.

Most was adults who were going to work, some kids playing around and some heros patroling with a little bit of villians trying to be sneaky but was caught by my eyes.

I was walking around and saw this little girl with a long greyish hair, a horn and red eyes wearing a dirty gown with bandaids all over.

She was looking around scared but then was pulled away by a man with a red bird beak mask.

I stoped to look but didn't bothered'Probably just some kid who was sick and accidently got out then got taken back by her parent' i thought
<Master i think->
'Hush now ciel'

I then come across an action figure shop. I got inside and look around. My eyes then locked on the one thing.

It was limited edition almight figure on a painted gold stand with lights shining on it.

'Ooooh Midoriya will love this!'

I go to the counter and speak with the cashier"hey there young girl, what can i get for ya?"

"Hmm how about that almight figure?" I asks. His expression changed" are you sure? It's very expensive and might maxed out your account" he said.

I roled my eyes and put my hand in my pocket'hey ciel, can you make me a credit card?'
<ofcourse master>

I then pulled out a credit card from my pocket and hand it to him without looking.

He didn't said anything for 5 minitues." Hello? Earth to you~" i said as he snapped back." c..card!?" He said stuttering real bad'what does he mean?' I looked down to my credit card and joilt up'WHAT THE HELL CIEL!? YOU MADE A BLACK CARD!?' my hand was shaking and gripping hard on the card.

I activated my thought acceleration as my mind was going everywhere on questions.

I qiuckly brushed it off and shoved the card to the cashier. He gently took it and cashed it in then gave it back to me.

I put it in my pocket as the cashier walks to the almight figure on the shelf and take it from the stand.

He then came back and packed it neatly in a box"excuse me sir? Could you please wrap it in like a present? I want this to be a gift" i said. The cashier noded and took out a blueish paper with a yellow thunder pattern and wrap the box. He then finished by tying a dark blue ribbon into a bow on the box.

"Should i put it in the bag for you?" He ask. I refused and open my stomach inventory. I put the box in and close it as i said goodbye to the cashier.

I got out of the shop and started walking around more, i then came across of a villian attacking.The villian has 4 arms to be exact.

The heros was about to capture him but he some how dodge his way passes him and was running straight into me.

He then locked me and pulled my hair back. He then puts a gun to my head.'IS HE SERIOUSLY HELDING ME HOSTAGE?'

I thoght as the heros stops dead on their tracks. My mask then falls off as the villian was busy threatening stuff.

His hand decided to play around as it ran on my neck.Then i was at my final straw as it goes to my waist and he dig his finger in.

I gritted my teeth in disgust and turned back. The heros faces then turned pale.

In the blink of an eye the villian was on the ground crying. I was wraping him in strings and was teasingly pulling them causing cuts on the villians body.

I growled as i picked him up and throwed him at the heros. I cooled down and quickly fleeing out of the scene.

I got back at the UA and into my office still disgusted'ugh that touch reminds me of guy when we have a meeting and i have to sit next to him' i thought then shivered.

"Well atleast i can get trough today's Troubles"

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