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After Nezu failed attempt of making Izuku a villain due to his uncle who is his lawyer. It was now time for court as the hero's were having a good time knowing that Izuku is gonna stay in prison. As Izuku made it to his seat that was escorted by the everyone rises as the judge comes in.

Judge: we are here today for the trail of Izuku Midoriya. It says here that he is the Ua traitor now for the plaintiff show your evidence of Izuku being the Ua traitor.

As the got the evidence that was giving to them by Katsuki and they put in the tape and it shows Izuku with the LOV. The hero's are trying to testify that this is all they need to keep Izuku locked up and the judge was constantly hitting his mallet.

Judge: order order order order i understand that we see him in this video but let it play out.

As the hero's sat there as they clearly see that it's Izuku but then the next thing shocks them the most the video ended with Toga quirk melting as the hero's wide eyed to seeing that it wasn't really him.

Judge: now that we saw the full video and it seems to be a girl who disguised as him is there anymore proof that it was Mr.Midoriya

Nezu: n-no (how is that not him how can I be fooled that easily for 9 years)

Judge: Nezu do yoh know what this means when you put an innocent man in prison without checking the whole video?

Nezu: y-yes I do but I can make this up to hi-

Judge: I'm afraid your 9 years to late to try and make things up especially when you allowed the people who believed he was the traitor to hurt him without him speaking and defending himself.

As Nezu and the ones who betrayed and abused izuku out their heads down the Judge went to the defendant.

Judge: Mr.Midoriya do you have proof on who framed you

Maseru: yes your honor and mostly the traitors are in this room.

Judge: traitors like there's more then one?

Maseru: yes and one of them I'm disappointed in him

As he gave the guard the video tape and they played it. As it played most of the footage that was seen people was disgusted as they see that Katsuki openly admits that he did it so both him and Shoto can have both Momo and Ochako. As the whole court looks at the 2 who is sitting besides each other wide eyed and couldn't get their eyes off of the screen and soon enough they both acted a damn fool which led to them getting arrested.

Judge: since we don't have to leave to do another court trial I can give them their sentences. For both of the now former hero's you both are now going to prison for framing and falsifying documents on a person who didn't commit a crime all his life. You both are sentenced to 25 to a life sentence bith if your companies and those who work for you are going to pay for the damages you both have done even for his eye even thought it cannot be fixed and it's going to be shut down. For those who are in on betraying him you will pay a fine up to $25,000,000 due to hurting him and not believing in what he was saying. Your ranks will go down and will be classified as fake hero's and after this year you will be fired from your jobs. Those who allowed the students to beat down Mr. Midoriya here your school rank will plummet all the way to the worst school ever as tog will also pay for the damages which is $50,000,000 of you fail to pay this amount for all of it that amount to $75,000,000 you will be arrested and still will be able to pay him regardless of how many years. Lastly for you Mr.Midoriya you will be able to get out of prison with a clean record now I know that you missed 9 years of your fiancé and little girls lives but I know that you can regain those 9 years by spending every moment with them I'm sorry that you had to go threw this.

Izuku: it's ok and thank you for your help your honor.

As he turns to meet his fiancé beautiful body hug as he hugs her back in the process.

Momo:*starts crying and hugs him* baby I missed you so much

Izuku:*tears up and hugs her back* I missed you baby and thank you for being there even when I wasn't there for you for 9 years.

Momo: hey it's ok I don't mind I know that you were framed I'm glad that they are suffering and not you my love.

As they kissed and leave without even looking at the betrayers especially a certain brown haired women who has a 7 year old by the person who framed her ex fiancé. As Izuku and Momo made it back home that Momo moved back from China and was happy he can spend time with his family the ones who didn't betray him. Once they got home Izuku was met with hugs from his mom and dad and they saw his eyepatch as it started to hit Inko badly that a limb from Izuku was missing due to Katsuki and it pains her that he only has one beautiful green emerald eye.

Inko:*crying* MY BABYYYYYY

Izuku does like that fact that she cries but he understood and couldn't do nothing about it as he feels bad that he came down and his dad put his hand on his shoulder.

Hisashi: don't worry son I feel your pain when it comes to her crying and that you lost your eye just know we are here for you ok son.

Soon Izuku started to break down crying as the family hugs him again as they felt his pain together as a family. Soon after they all went to bed as both izumomo went to bed together as Momo cuddled up to Izuku feeling his warmth for the first time in 9 years as he felt hers as well for 9 years.

That's the end of this chapter

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