Unexpected Visitor

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The next day, around in the morning, I woke up. Sometime along the way to the hospital, I fell asleep. Then I found myself being in surgery, and successfully made through that whole ordeal.

Now, I finally woke up. Again.

I blinked a couple of times and rubbed my tired eyes. I tried to sit up straight and reach over to get my water that was on the little table next to my bed, but I harshly groaned in pain at my wounds. Crap. So, I had to sit back down and just rest a little.

"What's wrong? What do you need?" Asked a feminine, frantic voice that I know all too well.

My eyes snapped wide open at the beautiful voice and I looked up at her.

Her hair was short and blonde and her green eyes were staring down at me. I've always thought she can pull off the edgy, tomboy style in such a cool and sexy way. It really suited her.

"Am I in heaven already seeing an angel?" I asked in a daze, smirking.

She rolled her eyes. "That's just the drugs talking, Josh. Wipe that smirk off your face."

"You wipe it off," I countered smartly and she leaned down to kiss me. It was a feeling that I missed, and from yesterday's events, I was afraid I could never experience that again. I'm being reminded of our first kiss we shared when we were at the Stab-A-Thon together from 2011. After kissing her, I declared close to her lips. "I love you, Kirby." I meant every word.

"I love you too, Josh." Those were the words I missed hearing too.

I gave one last kiss to her before we spread apart and I rest my back against the pillows.

"Can you get my water?" I requested and she gave my cup to drink. I sipped the cool, refreshing liquid by the straw then pass it to her to set it down on the table. 

"Your parents are here too. They want to see you, but I told them I wanted to see you first."

Of course, Mark would be here. He was probably worried sick about me and my mother. 

"Are my sisters here too?" I thought about Lauren and Hazel.

"No. They're with Mark's parents."  She answered.

"How did you know to come here?" I asked curiously.

"I was keeping up with it on the news. After that last phone call we had, I knew something wasn't right. Then I kept trying to call and text you, but you never answered. I didn't want to make any rash decisions just then, so I just stayed back at home. Until I heard what happened on the news at the Macher house then I just had to come over here and see you," Kirby explained. "What were you thinking putting yourself through that again?"

"I just wanted to help," I answered. "Sam and her sister was mostly the ones targeted and I didn't want Sam to have to deal with that alone. We both know what's that like, don't we? We've been there."

"I know we have," She said, thinking about the past. "It's just that I was scared of losing you."

"But you didn't," I insisted softly, my hand caresses the side of her face. "I'm still here." We stared at each other for a moment, getting lost in the other's eyes.

When I let go of her, she asked me. "So, what happened that led up to you being at the Macher's house?"

"Well, it's a long story." I prepared her.

"We have time," She made a small smile. "It's not like I'm going anywhere."

Kirby listened to the entire explanation of what happened these past few days. Even the part where I had maniacally stabbed Richie.

"Does that make you think any less of me?" I asked, being nervous of her response.

"No, of course not," Kirby shook her head. "Richie was trying to kill you and Sam. You were defending yourself. There's nothing wrong with that."

I nodded to agree with her. I just left the part out that I actually liked that I almost killed Richie. To be honest, I didn't think I had self-restraint to stop myself. If I didn't, I know that I would've kept going. But I let Sam killed him anyway. I also didn't let Kirby know that I heard my father's voice urging me to kill him. 

Maybe I should've told Sam that; at least she would understand.

"I can't believe that I'm still here after all of that. I thought my mother and I was done with this. Now, I think Sam has to carry our father's baggage too. I don't think this will ever be over. I just can't wait to go back home in New York and forget about all of this."

"Why don't you just come live in Georgia with me?" Kirby suggested. "You can find a job there. We've been dating for years, and now after what happened, I don't think I can stand being away from you like that again," Then she made a scoffing like noise as if what she said was ridiculous. "God, I know I sound like a clingy girlfriend..."

"You're not," I assured. Then an idea sparked to mind. Something I wanted to do for a while. "Instead of being just my girlfriend, why don't you marry me?"

Kirby looked at as if she didn't hear me right. "W-what?"

My eyes met her own green ones. "I don't want to lose this chance if another Ghostface would come out to get either of us. I know I don't have a ring right now, that's at home, but..." I took hold of her hands. It would've been much better if I can get down on knee like the traditional way, but since that I'm on this bed, I can't. "Kirby Reed, will you marry me?"

Tears sparkled behind her eyes and she smiled. "Yes. Yes, Josh. I will."

That's when I no longer hesitate to lean forward, grab her face, kiss her as if she's going to disappear.

The proposal was something that I've really wanted to do for a long time, and now I'm glad I didn't waste any second.

Kirby Reed was going to become my wife.


Ending Song: Glory and Gore by Lorde

Author's Note

I mentioned Kirby so many times that I figured I should have her actually make an appearance for the last chapter. This was just something short and sweet and to give you an insight on what Josh and Kirby's relationship is like. So, the happy couple are going to be engaged during Scream 6. 

(Also, I put Kirby lives in Georgia like how Scream 6 had her. I didn't know it until the last minute which is when I had the ending already decided for my story. So, I put in that they were kinda having a long distance relationship. I'll explain why they had that in the sequel. I still didn't see Scream 6 yet. I kinda like how they made her work for the FBI, that's different. I know some things about what happened in Scream 6, but not everything.)

Be on the lookout for whenever I have the sequel up! See you later, ghosties! 👻

Be on the lookout for whenever I have the sequel up! See you later, ghosties! 👻

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