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A/N: Hey everyone here it is the Prologue for the first and hopefully not last Knightstar192227/NaLu911 collab.

Also today is my Cowriter and Friend's Birthday so please wish her a Happy one. :)

Future TW-SMUT❤️🎉


"It's been three long years since we started our journey. Three years of pain, blood, tears, and struggles," Glasses paused and looked across our class sitting in front of him. "It's also been three years of forming friendships, falling in love, and creating bonds that will last a lifetime." A few people clapped while others cheered.

I, on the other hand, couldn't wait to get the hell out of there. I want nothing more than to finally be away from the idiots I've been trapped with for too damn long.

"We've all given everything we have to be sitting here today. We, as a class, had to survive more than any other class ever did. As students, we were already doing professional hero work. We were changing the world, one day at a time." He said loudly into the crackling microphone.

You're telling me that other classes didn't have to deal with shitheads like Shigaraki trying to kill them every time they left their school? I must have missed that memo.

Glasses smiled down at us. "As we go down our own paths, it's important to remember where we came from and remember all of the amazing people that have helped us along the way."

Shitty Hair shifted next to me when a big gust of wind blew across the field. The only plus of this being outside is that there are far more distractions. The distractions help me drown out Glasses since his voice doesn't echo off every surface possible.

"The sacrifices by the ones that came before us allow us to go forward and do the same for the ones that will now come after. It will now be our responsibility to help them, and hopefully, they can remember just as we should, where they started, who they are, and how they got here."

Glasses paused as his voice cracked a bit; clearing his throat, he went on. "Because of them, we can now look to the future. And what a bright future it will be." Thank fuck he finally stopped talking. Everyone got to their feet as we made our way to our families.

My plan is to head straight past my parents to the parking lot where my bike is waiting. My parents smile as I get close, but apparently, the hag knows me too well. She grabbed my arm just as I started to pass them. "Oh no, you don't, Katsuki. I have waited your whole life for this. I am getting my pictures." Damn, I wasn't fast enough. She already has some of the extras waiting to take pictures.

One by one, she made me take pictures with either individuals or small groups. Just when I thought it was over, the hag ruined my getaway again. "Izuku, sweetie, come here. I need a few pictures of you and Katsuki to put by your kindergarten graduation pictures at home."

She better not even think of having us recreate them. I will kill him and maybe her. "I-I don't think that is such a good idea." The nerd stuttered; maybe he knows what's good for him after all. Her, on the other hand, not so much.

She smiled at him. "Don't be silly. I brought four pictures for you boys to recreate. It will be cute, and I can give copies to Inko."

Deku looked at me with his big-ass eyes full of worry. I sighed, rolling mine. "Oi, nerd, let's just get this over with." I knew she wouldn't give up till she got what she wanted. The faster we got the pictures done, the faster I could get the hell out of here.

After the four pictures were taken and she was happy with the way they looked, I headed for my bike again, only to be stopped by Shitty Hair and Dunce Face. "Bakugo, you want to meet up later and hang out?" The idiots asked me as I heard the most annoying voice ever behind me.

"I-I can't believe we're finally done," Deku stuttered as he approached us. "It's been a crazy three years."

I rolled my eyes and shoved past him, knocking him into his girlfriend. "Three years of seeing you every damn day. I'm fucking glad that it's over." I mumbled to him as he stood behind me. "I know I'll see you on the streets and maybe even on the T.V. if you can make it that big without the help of everyone else-"

"Hey, wait a minute!" Kendo shouted at me. I don't have time for her shit, either.

I turned back to Deku with a smirk on my face. "Even though that might happen, I can't wait to never converse with you again. I can't wait for you to finally leave my fucking life for good this time."

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