Hero Interrupted

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Hey there everyone. I hope you are all felling well. I lost my voice no fever or anything like that just can't talk. Anyway here is the next chapter for your reading pleasure.  Happy Reading   (: 


I woke up before my alarm went off, which is so unlike me. It is no secret that I have never been a morning person. Today was the first day of my month-long required anger management classes. I think the fact they start at eight in the morning is part of my punishment. I walked to the kitchen and made coffee before waking Himari for school and getting Daiki ready to go to Kendo's. If she wants to resort to last names, I can respect that.

I made breakfast for the kids and then woke them up. As the two ate, I got Daiki's things ready for when his mother picked him up and then got myself dressed. "Daddy, Mommy here." I heard him from down the hall. Grabbing his bag, I headed for the front door.

I opened it so she could come in. "No, I think I will just wait here." She said as she took his bag from me. "Tell Daddy goodbye so we can go."

Daiki turned to me and hugged my legs. "Lov.." he started to say but then looked up at his mother.

She sighed. "Go on, you can say it."

The wide smile that came over his face made me want to cry. The fact he felt like he needed permission hurt my heart. "Love you, Daddy."

I got down to his level, hugged him, and spoke loud enough for her to hear me. "You don't need anyone's permission to feel love or to express it to anyone, understand? They are your feelings, and no one can take that from you. I love you too, Buddy." I released him from the hug as I looked at his mother. She just glared at me.

Pulling up to Himari's school, this was my first stop of the morning. "Thank you, Mr. Deku."

Smiling I said. "Have a good day, and I'll see you this afternoon." She smiled back at me before closing the door and heading inside. I watched her for a minute before driving off.

I arrived downtown fifteen minutes early, but it's better than being late. Walking into the multi-purpose office building, I approached the front desk. "Excuse me, I am looking for the anger management classes."

Receiving a skeptical look from behind purple glasses. "Are you the new therapist?"

Confused and worried this was a prank of some sort. I replied. "N-no, ma'am, I am here to take the classes."

A rather large pop of her gum caused me to jump and go wide-eyed at her. "Sure you are, sweetie."

"Sorry, ma'am, but I don't want to be late." I said as I smiled at her.

Her eyes held the look of undeniable boredom. "Name?"

Cocking a brow at her, I gave a nervous chuckle. She is dead serious. "Izuku Midoriya.' I said.

She popped her gum again. "Third floor, room 319."

Flashing her a smile, I said, "Thank you."

The elevator door opened, and three people came out as I waited to walk on. The short ride to the third floor was uneventful. My phone went off as the doors opened. I walked out, trying to get it out of my pocket, and bumped into someone rather large. "Watch where the fuck you are going, dipshit!"

With a red face and wide eyes, I stammered out. "I-I'm so sorry."

I froze and tried to take a step back, as a large hand reached out and grabbed a handful of my shirt. "What the fuck did you say!" I just threw my hands up in front of my face, signaling my surrender.

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