Best Friend Busted

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Hey everyone, here we go again. Lets see what our boys get into this time. Hope you enjoy... Happy Reading    (:


For the last nine and a half hours, I have been on patrol with Shitty Hair. We have about thirty minutes before our shift is over. I have not been working my usual twelve-hour shifts multiple days a week because I have found other ways I prefer to spend my time. Insert Nerd's name here. He occupies my thoughts most of the time, but it doesn't piss me off anymore. I think about his eyes, smile, and cute as- "Yo, Bakubro, did you hear anything I said?"

Shooting a glare at the idiot next to me. "Of course, I heard you. That doesn't mean I have to respond or acknowledge you said a damn thing." I have no fucking clue what this idiot has been rambling on about, there is only one rambler I listen to, and he is not it. I took my phone out to check the time and couldn't help but smile when I saw the BY app notification. I clicked on it.

Camposing1- I miss you☹️. I can't wait to see you.🥰

Nitro1991- I miss you too and will be there before you know it. I got to go, though. My patrol is almost over. See you soon.

Camposing1- See you when you get here.

My thoughts are brought back to a few nights ago. I was at Deku's. He was putting the kids to bed, and I had to use the restroom. I passed his slightly opened office door, and curiosity got the best of me. Peeking in, it looked like his high school dorm room threw up in there—all of the All Might merch and his nerd books.

That is when I saw it, nerd book No.13, the one from middle school, on his desk. I ran my hand across its scorched cover as my fingers crossed the letters CAMPOS. I should have known from the start. I smiled just as hard at the memory as I did when he messaged me. "Bro, what has you smiling so hard?" Shitty Hair brought me out of my thoughts. "Man, I meant to ask you how your talk with Mido went?"

Well shit, and there it is. I knew he would ask sooner or later. "It went okay, I guess. We are trying to get along for mini-nerd's sake, at least." I can't just come out and tell him we made out and are trying to make it work. We agreed we wouldn't tell anyone. I will not mess up the chance he gave me for anyone.

His red eyes softened, but he looked a little sad. "Oh, sorry to hear that, bro. I thought maybe it went better than that. The other day, you guys seemed pretty chumming at Iida and Uraraka's." He patted my shoulder. "I was rooting for you, man."

Nodding my head, I looked at him before turning and continuing to walk down the sidewalk. "Well, thanks. I'll let you know if anything changes." He didn't say a word, just gave me that shitty grin of his as we walked. I felt kind of guilty lying to him. After all, he is the one who talked me into even considering taking a chance on the nerd, not to mention he is the one I poured my 'black heart' out to.

We returned to the checkpoint as Shitty Hair's phone went off. He pulled it out and checked it. He had a text from Pinky. Our relief was five minutes late showing up, this pissed me off, but I wasn't going to let it ruin my mood. I have a nerd waiting for me. I told Shitty Hair. "See you later." As we went our separate ways.

I ran by my house first to change, take care of Cotton, and grab his things to take him with me. He goes to Deku's with me most of the time. I spent a lot of time there and didn't want to leave him alone that much. Besides, the nerds love him, as he loves the nerds; this includes girly nerd. I decided to take one of my cars that not too many people knew about. I have three, and one of them I rarely drive, so nobody knows it's my car. That's the one I am taking.

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