Chapter 1

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StevePop fanart<3

  Ever since the incident with Darry and Ponyboy, I haven't really been as active or social. Me and Ponyboy used to talk all the time or help each other through our nightmares but now I don't even really have company when I come home. Darry is always quite, Ponyboy is never home, and the gang hasn't really been up to anything much recently.

  Normally I would say it was stupid to hold a grudge or it was a childish gesture, but I am starting to believe that maybe the two of them owe each other an apology. I sighed heavily as I rolled over in my bed and stared at the wall, I noticed the carving "S+S" on the torn wood. I smiled to myself as a response, which honestly wasn't even on purpose.

  The carving was from me and Steve one night when he stayed over after getting injured in a fight. He promised me that as long as the corving is on the wall, we're friends. I thought it was stupid and corny as first but after awhile I've grown to smile everytime I thought about it.

  It's a nice memory of mine that I enjoy keeping close to me at all costs. Me and Steve are very close and if it ever got ruined, I'd be an incomplete mess. I like to think sometimes that maybe, just maybe Steve thinks the same way too. I doubt he does, he isn't really one for alot of emotions and being lovey dovey but in a way he kind of gives of a good "I feel safe" vibe.

  I finally closed my eyes and slowly started drifting off as I cuddled farther into the sheets. I heard the front door unlock and open, meaning Darry was home but I didn't care. All I wanted was sleep at the moment, so I allowed myself to drift into nothingness and rest.

  I woke up to the loud banging on the front door and...yelling?

I was honestly confused as hell but didn't have the energy to get up yet, so of course I layed there for what felt like hours. The banging and knocking never went away even after I layed in bed for around 3 minutes, trying to wait on it to go away.

  We don't really get company often and honestly I don't like having company unless it's the gang, but I have a really big feeling that this isn't the gang nor a friend. I groan and moan as I finally get up annoyed and slide my feet across the floor with a hunched back as I reach the door. I stand up straight and put my hand on the doorknob before sighing(probably a bit overdramatically) and opening the door.

  To my suprise it was Dally's stupid ass at the door. "What the hell do you want? It's like-...." I paused mid sentence as I checked my watch for the time "f-four thirty in the morning-" I finally mustered out, He growled lowly afterwards, as if he was...angry? "I've been trying to get in for an hour Soda! What gives?!"

  "Chill man-, I didn't know we were expecting guests and Darry isn't home!", Dally shuffles foot to foot uncomfortabley "shit-!..." He huffs out in a hushed tone. "Where is he?" I tilt my head in confusion "huh-" he grumbles again "Dally Soda! Where is Dally?!" "I don't know dude!".

  I take a deep breath really quickly to try and stay calm and keep my composure, I've never seen Dally so worked up before. He's normally the ambitious "I went to jail 10,000 times" kind of guy, but today something just

  He loses his activated and angry tone and becomes what seems more of a sad or concerned tone "Well is Pony home?..." I've never heard Dally sound so stressed or upset before, it honestly broke my heart that he seemed so beat up and worried. " sorry, they got in an argument and have been avoiding each other...Pony hasn't been home"

  "Shit-" he grumbles under his breathe "sorry, But I'm sure you'll find Pony at Johnny's house.." I say as I see a small smile on his lips, and without even saying a goodbye he runs off to Johnny's house. "What was that about?" I hear as I close the door, which caused me jump up in fright and turn around as if I was about to punch the person. "Steve-?"

(Third Person)

  Steve softly chuckled as SodaPop jumps up and turns around, as if he was a scared cat. "Sorry Pop, I came in through the back door...I noticed you and Dally talking-, what was that all bout?" Steve asks as SodaPop calms himself. "Oh- he was, for some odd reason-, asking where Darry and Ponyboy was..." Soda mumbles as he walks closer to the other boy. "Ah- ok...that's kinda weird, dont'cha think?"

  "Yeah I guess so...but it's all good now, he's headin toward Johnny's house" Steve doesn't speak, all he does is give a hum in response and a small nod. SodaPop leads Steve to his room and they both sit on his bed chatting and pushing each other around for a bit. Steve randomly goes silent and begins staring intensively into Soda's eyes. "Hey soda," Soda hums in response, meaning he can continue "Can I tell you something?.." Soda tilts his head slightly in confusion "Yeah go ahead-"

  "I was wondering if it'd be ok if we-....."

Hmm- 🤨🤔 I wonder what Steve was gonna say 🤷

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2023 ⏰

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