PART - 7

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Author's pov

After the work the halmeoni take yn to her house. She was really shocked to see the house. A huge house.

She entered the house and saw a man, 2 young boys and a lady was sitting in the living room. As soon as they entered inside their all concentration was on the girl yn.

Mrs Min : Eomma who is this?

A lady who was sitting on couch asked her mother who just bring a girl with her. Mrs min stand up and walks towads yn.

Halmeoni : She is working in our cafe, as she don't have anywhere to live. I brought her with me.

The lady haven't speak anything cause she just remembered her lost child who is just like yn.

Mrs min : You looks so beautiful pretty girl.

Yn : Thankyou Mam.

Mrs min : What's your name?

Yn : Min yn.

Mrs Min : Oh you are also min? Look we are also Min family.

Mrs min laughed a little.

Mr kim : Jagi move aside let her come inside.

Halmeoni : Yn come I will indroduce them.

Yn nooded her head as yes.

Halmeoni : This is my son and his wife who is just like my daughter. These are my grand children. Yoongi and Hoseak.

Yn bowed at them.

Whole time yoongi and hoseak was so silently observing something??

Mrs Min : Come on I will show you your room.

Mrs Min take yn from their while yoongi break the silence.

Yoongi : halmeoni, you really brought her here cause she doesn't have anywhere to live?

Halmeoni : She just look like your little sister and the name was also same. So I thought to bring her here as she have no one.

Hoseak : Appa let's do a DNA test.

Mr Min : mmh I'm also thinking about that.

Yoongi : Don't worry I will collect her sample.

Hoseak : You can do that hyung.

Mrs Min : Come on everyone let's eat dinner. Let me

Yoongi : I will go and call her.

Without hearing any answers yoongi started walking towards yn's room. As the door was not closed he get inside the room to see yn was arranging the stuffs.

Yn stand up when she saw yoongi entering inside her room.

Yoongi : Dinner is ready. Come downstairs for eating.

Yn nooded her head as yes.

Yoongi : Where is your parents?

Yn : I don't know. I got kidnapped when I was young. As I don't remember most of the thing happened in my life, I can't find them out.

A little hope came in yoongi's heart.

yoongi : Hope you will find them soon.

Yn nooded her head while smiling at him.

Yoongi went outside the room.

Y/n's pov

What was that feeling I feel soo close to them. I just want to hug him when he came inside my room.

Am I love with him?????

May they will be my future in laws. That's why I'm feeling like this. Wooww that will be nice. That's what I saw it in dramams right?

But I like hoseak oppa also and Mrs Min too and Mr min too and halmeoni too.

Aah leave it atleast I got a housr where I can live peacefully.

Please don't follow me to unfollow 🙂🙂🙂🙂

40+votes for next chapter. Sorry for the short chapter. I was in the class while writing this. Too bored to study.

Love you all💜💜😘😘😘

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