PART - 11

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Y/n's pov

I was sleeping peacefully when eomma came and started waking me up.

Yn : 5 more minutes eomma.

Mrs Min : Aniyo baby you need to wake up now.

Yn : mmmhh.

I again try to sleep but look eomma is not allowing me.

Mrs Min : Today is your first day for your work and you are sleeping.

Yn : What? How can I forgot about that.

Mrs Min : They will be staying at our house for some more days baby. So go with taehyung. You haven't seen the company right. Aren't you exited mmh?

I already seen the company eomma and even worked their for 1 week. I really want to say this to my eomma.
Aarh leave it he already recognized his mistake, so I should not think about that.

Yn : Then I will go fresh up eomma.

Mrs Min : Okay let me wake up your oppas.

I walk towards the washroom to get ready. I can't believe I'm going to work from today onwards.

I quickly take a bath and dressed. I slowly walk towards the door and open it. But to my bad luck taehyung also opened the door.

Tae : Good morning yn.

Yn : Good morning T.. Taehyung.

Tae : Come let's go downstairs.

What? Did he again smiled at me. I really like him smiling. How sweat smile he got. I was following him to downstairs.

Mrs kim was serving the dishes on the table. Yoongi oppa and jin oppa was speaking something serious about their business. Where is my hobi oppa? Oh he is with Mr kim. Halmoni was reading the newspaper.

Mrs kim : Good morning yn. You look so pretty today.

Yn : T.. Thankyou anti.

Mrs kim : Aww so sweat. Taehyungaah you two can go together to the company.

Tae : okay eomma.

Mrs Min : Breakfast is ready come on everyone.

We started eating the breakfast.

I again got a seat beside taehyung

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I again got a seat beside taehyung. Mmh... So tasty. While I was eating taehyung put a peice of meat on my plate. I looked at him to see him enjoying his food.

I ate that while feeling butterflies in my stomach. Aaish why I'm being nervous. I should not be like this. I should be strong then only I can control my heart beat.

After the breakfast I was listening to oppas who is teaching me what are the jobs a PA should do. I'm humming while enjoying the stowberry milkshake.

Hobi : Taehyung have came. Look baby all the best for your first day.

Yn : It's not my first day oppa.

Suga : what?

Yn : hah? I mean it's not the first time I'm working.

Suga : oh anyway don't be nervous and be honest with the job okay.

Yn : okay oppas love you.

Suga : love you too baby.

Hobi : love you too baby.

Mr Min : I think you don't want me?

Appa came from nowhere.

Yn : Love you also appa.

Mr Min : Aww love you my princess.

Mrs Min : Yn come downstairs.

Yn : I'm going appa see you at evening.

Mr Min : Don't run go slowly yn.

Yn : naee

I came downstairs to see taehyung standing near the door waiting for me.
Mrs kim was tieing his tie.

Mrs Kim : Drive slowly taehyung.

I was going towards the car, when Mrs kim opened the front door for me.

Aarh I don't want to sit on the front seat. Without any other option I sat on the front seat. I can sence Taehyung was now looking at me. I turned my head towards him.

Tae : Wear the seat bealts.

I wear it quickly and sat straight.

Is he chuckling at me? Eh no way, may be he remembered some funny dramas which he saw before.

Soon we reached the company. My heart beat again started to increase. Omg I have a major disease I think. Why I'm like this.

I was in my thoughts when I heard  Taehyung's voice. When I looked at him to see he has opened the door for me to gwt outside the car.

I quickly get ouside. B... But why taehyung is holding my hands and walking?

Taehyung's pov

Her hands are so soft, just like a baby. I don't know why I'm holding her hands. But I feel like doing it. Anyways she is Anti's child, so she is like my sister right? So it is normal I think.

I entered the company to see all the employees are looking towards us. Cause it's the first time they were seeing their boss is coming inside while holding a girl's hand.

I entered in the lift. Aarh it been a long time, since I entered inside. When I heard yn speaking only I recognized that still I was holding her small hands in mine.

Yn : S.. Sir m.. my h... hand.

I quickly leaved her hands. My heart started beating fast. Aaish why I being nervous in front of yn?

Tae : When we are alone also you can call me by my name.

Yn : O... Okay Taehyung.

I smiled at her, but what? Is she blushing?

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