PART -10

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Y/n's pov

Yn : please come.

I told and walk while heart was beating fast. After reaching in front of room. I stoped.

Yn : T.. This is your room.

I said without making eye contact. My room was just opposite to his room. I turened around to enter my room. But he catched my hand and pined me on the wall while closing the door. I became tensed. Is he going to kill me?

Eommaa please save me. Tears started to come from my eyes.

Yn : please don't do anything. I'm sorry.

I speak while speaking to him. He lift his hands and wipe my tears. What? Why is he doing like that? Isn't he angry?

Tae : where were you?

Yn : where?

Tae : After you left the company, I came to your house. They told me you left the house.

What? Did he went to my house? For what?

Yn : I was on streets that time.

I looked down and speak to him.

Tae : I'm sorry for what I did earlier.

Is he sincerely apologizing?

Yn : i.. It's okay.

Tae : I thought you did it on purpose what happened in the elevator.

I looked at him. To see no coldness and hate in his eyes.

Tae : Will you forgive me yn. I hurted you a lot.

Yn : it's okay. I forgive you.

I said looking at the floor.

Tae : you are not looking at me, then how did you forgive me hmm?

Oh god what happened to my heart it is beating too much. Am I going to die? I looked at his eyes.

Tae : Now tell me did you forgive me?

Yn : I forgive you.

Tae : Thankyou for forgiving me yn. And you are working with from tommarow onwards. You appa told me you are intrested in architect.

I bite my lips while looking down.

Tae : You will be my PA.

I was shocked hearing that.

Yn : Re

Tae : No more discussion. Get ready at morning. You are coming with me.

Yn : T... Thankyou S.. Sir.

Tae : You can call me Taehyung, when we are not in the company.

Yn : O..Okay T.. Taehyung.

He smiled at me. Wait.. He knows to smile?

Tae : then good night.

He said while removing his hands from the wall.

Yn : Good night.

I walk outside and entered my room. I fastly closed the door and sit on my bed.

Oh what was that? Why my heart is beating too much.

He is not that bad. He was now so sweat to me. But I'm afraid of him till now.

Taehyung's pov

Finally she forgived me. She was not like other girls. She was really different from others.

I can't believe that I ask forgivness from a girl. What's that feeling in my heart?

Anyway it was a different feeling whenever she was with me. Tommarow onwards she will be with me full day. I should not allow her to work hard.

I layed on the bed after doing my nigjt routine. I fall asleep while thinking about tommarow.

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