PART - 40

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Author's pov

Taehyung was at his cabin while yn was sitting on his laps. After meeting they came to their cabin while Taehyung started to talk about their businesses trip.

Tae : Baby try to understand me. We can't take jimin with us.

Yn : But how can we live without him.

Yn said while wipping her tears.

Tae : I'm also his parent baby. It Hurt's me also when I'm away from our son. But aren't we working for his future. If I work hard today, he don't need to work this hard in future. He can live peacefully without any stress.

Yn nooded her head as yes.

Yn : Is ji-hyun also coming oppa?

Tae : Nae baby.

Yn pouted her lips which makes taehyung to kiss her.

Yn : Now a days I don't like her.

Tae : What happened to my old yn. Who loves her enemy also.

Yn : That's not taee.. She was really touchy to you. Always wearing revealing clothes.. And trying to get your attention.

Tae : You are getting jelous hah??

Taehyung started laughing at her while she hit his chest.

Tae : I'm only yours baby. Hm.. UmmAH..

Taehyung said and kissed her. Soon they heard a knock. Yn get uo from his laps and ran towards her desk.

Tae : Come in.

The door opened revealing namjoon.

Tae : Oh hyung what happened?

Namjoon : Day after tommarow we need to go at morning.

Tae : I thought it will be next week.

Namjoon : But we need to do partner ship to them before other companies come to them.

Tae : Mmh that's right.

Namjoon : And also it will be good if we start a company in Australia also. Mine or your children can look after the company in future.

Tae : Mmh. Did you book the flight?

Namjoon : Nae. It's at 4am. I will pick you two at 3. And tell that girl to come to airport by herself.

Tae : That girl? Why what happened? Did she disturbed you too?

Namjoon : She is really touchy towards me however I try to stay away from me. Because of her my girl fight with me yesterday.

Namjoon : I'm get going then.

Namjoon said and started outside.

Yn : She is really soooo bad girl. Tae why can't you fire her.

Tae : You are asking me it now? Aren't you the one who told me to forgive her?

Yn : Why did you litsen to me. Can't you fire her.

Taehyung chuckled at her.

Tae : Where is my innocent baby wife hah?

Yn : I'm here only.

Yn said while pouting her lips. Taehyung kissed her lips.

Yn : Oppaa

Tae : Hmm?

Yn : Can we go to eat street food today?

Tae : No.

Taehyung said blankly and opened the laptop using his one hand.

Yn : whyyy you are soo bad..

Yn said and layed on his chest.

Yn : It's been a long time taeee plzz

Taehyung glared at her while she pouted and played with his shirt buttons.

Yn bited on his chest when she saw Taehyung ignored her and starts working.

Tae : I was thinking to take you their but you just bite me right?

Yn : Aniyo aniyo taee it's a love bite. Wait let me give you a hickey.

Yn said and started removing his shirt buttons. She started to suck the skin near his nipples.

Taehyung started to get plesure and groan a little.

Yn : Woww finally I learn to give a hick..

She was cut off by a knock.

Yn : Waitt taee.. Mmh okay..

Yn said while sitting on the floor in from of him. Taehyung chuckled at him. Can't she run to her desk??

Tae : Come in.

Em : Sir, these the plans that we get this week from all departments.

Tae : Take a seat.

Taehyung said and started checking the plans.

Tae : There is no videos?

Em : Yes sir. We saved it in ark261 file.

Tae : Mmh.

Taehyung started looking the file on his laptop. He soon feel his zip of his pants opening slowly. He understand now what's gonna happen next.

Taehyung was controlling himself. He gulped the saliva while  checking the video.

He spread his legs more and started caressing her hair.

Tae : I will inform about it after  tommarow's meeting.

Em : Okay sir.

Employe bowed at him and walks outside the cabin.

Tae : Tired??

Yn nooded her head while laying on his shoulder. Taehyung took her walks towards the small room inside his office and make her lay on the bed.

Tae : Sleep for some time hmm.. Oppa have some work. Now take rest after that let's go to eat street food.

Yn nooded her head as yes. Taehyung kissed her lips and walked outside the room. He put his d*ck inside the pants and cleaned the table before doing his work.

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