Chapter 3

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Lifting my head to investigate, I experienced a sharp sting in my back. "Don't worry, RiverPelt. I'm applying medication to your wounds to aid in their healing," ThrustPelt consoled me. After exhaling deeply, I placed my head on the moss. "Stay nearby camp for a while, and avoid any patrols or activities that might exhaust you. Rest is essential," Thrustpelt instructed, then turned to attend to the herbs. I remained silent, lying with my eyes closed.

(time skip because idk what to write there☠️☠️☠️)

At last, I was able to depart from the med den, but not before being advised to return the following day for ThrustPelt to reevaluate my wounds. Although in pain, I managed to rise and was accompanied by Goose Kit as I made my way toward the clearing. HawkStorm, who quickly approached me, called out my name. I responded with a low hum as HawkStorm expressed his concern for my well-being. "You've been released from the med den by ThrustPelt, I see," he remarked, to which I replied that I was feeling decent apart from some back pain. I then settled on the ground and curled my tail around Goose Kit while giving my chest a quick lick, before turning my attention back to HawkStorm. My curiosity was piqued as I heard HawkStorms's announcement, "Have you heard? FoxTrot is going to have kits! It's quite unexpected." HawkStorm proceeded to explain how he was the first cat to know besides FoxTrot's mate. "Hmm, that's wonderful," I purred, "I'm sure the kits will be stunning." HawkStorm happily agreed with my statement.

As RoseRun approached me with a purring sound, she expressed her concern, "RiverPelt, are you alright?" She sounded uneasy and her ears were flattened against her head. "I hope you're safe," she wished. I replied, "I'm okay, but my back is sore...I need to rest. GooseKit, let's go," I gestured to the kit as I headed towards the nursery to leave her with TreeFur. "Okay," RoseRun purred softly in agreement.

( Hiya sorry if wear swapping people for Wrighting it's just we thought it's fair to take turns :3 )

My paws softly patted the floor Goose'kit followed close behind, "mama are you alright?" "I'm okay" I purred "I just need to rest," — "can you stay in the nursery with me?" She hopped over a small rock, "okay just as long as I don't get jumped on," — "okay!" We walked into the nursery and I lay down on a nest with goose kit beside me her soft purrs filled the small enclosed space, days and moons passed goose'kit was getting her apprentice name today she was excited, but I wasn't I could lose my little girl to the harsh clans, I hopped onto the rock and sat down leap'star called the clan meeting "today we have apprentices becoming warriors and kits becoming apprentices. bark'paw you're warrior name will be bark'face, fern'paw is now fern'ash, sky'paw will now be sky'stone,
Danger'whisker, night'whale,  flight'whisker, and our dear kits are broken'paw, maple'paw, and goose"paw. broken paws mentor will be  lamb'whisker, maple'paws, mentor is Thrustpelt, goose"paws mentor is......" my heart raced "crimson'Oak..." my fur puffed out and I hissed  "NO! I will not let my kit! Be mentored by someone who wants to kill his own clan mates!" I stood up "pick someone else that's not Him!"Leap'star hissed "I pick there mentors, river"pelt, not you! I will not tolerate you're behavior recently! You've been going on how crimson'Oak is going to kill us! Or so on! Back down MOUSE-BRAIN!" She hissed my claws dug into the moss I wanted to claw her in the face. Next thing I felt was her claws to my face' "AH!" I put my paw to my eye "MOM!" Goose'paw yelled and ran up onto the rock along with hawk'storm "what is wrong with you!" Hawk storm hissed goose licked some of the blood off my face."clan dismissed!" leapStar hissed before running off.  Thrust pelt put some cobwebs on the wound. "You need to be more careful, river pelt" she tisked. "Don't tisk me, ThrustPelt! I'm just protecting goose"paw!" I flicked my tail "and one of these days she's gonna hurt you more than just a paw full of claws to the face. you can go now."she said, her tail slapping me. I hissed before walking out, goose"paw walked up to me and nuzzled into my neck fluff "are you okay?" she meowed worryingly, "I'm fine I've had worse" I licked my paw. "still! She shouldn't have done that." goosePaw hissed. "I know, goose, but it's how the clan works." Leap star approached "get your things up and ready and get into place. we're going to the clan meeting at the four stones." she growled, nightfall had hit and we left camp. we crossed the river and over onto the border of fire clans territory. the clan was already there sitting and waiting patiently their eyes followed ours as leap-star jumped onto the rock announcing everything from this morning of new warriors kits became apprentices. nothing about the fight, I watched goose"paw talk with other apprentices.

Goose paws pov:

I watched river-pool jump up onto the rock with leap-star. she hated that but still, I hated leap for doing that to her. I saw someone from fire clan that looked like an apprentice so we talked for a while. "I'm goose"paw you?" I tilted my head ever so slightly, "I'm otter"pool. well,  just turned otterpool.." he smiled slightly, "what was going on?" I smiled back at him we got caught up in talking and chatting about our horrible lives of clans before we had to leave which was sad but.. glad I made a new friend which wasn't supposed to happen since our clans hate each other....

( hey sorry if this sucks I'm tired but not so if it sucks sorry but I think some of it is good so have a good night/day ^^

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