Chapter 6

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Goose"paws pov

I watched as my mother nuzzle into RoseRuns fur and cry each time a cat came to help her she'd just chase them off... Rose was so kind and fun to be around my ears went back as I looked at my paws. "let starclan light her path." Leapstar nodded and we left I walked next to her back to camp we all gather around the rock ..she sighed, "our beloved RoseRun," she held back slightly and teared.... "will not be coming home to us.....she will be with our ancestors in star clan now.....out of us all this struck her only kit river"pelt so hard she has chased off one of our other strongest warriors pine"frost to warn him to stay away so please be careful with her this hurt her a lot." the cats nodded. as they yowled softly as the rain pours onto our backs...


The rain drenched my pelt as I was tired but I didn't feel like sleeping. I got up and ran into camp seeing crimson'Oak sitting there. my claws dug into the ground and I charged and clawed at him pinning him biting his fur tearing some of his skin "stupid mouse brain you killed her!" I hissed and yowled throwing him slightly "YOU KILLED ROSE!!" I went to claw at his face again but I was grabbed by the scruff by leap"star which I clawed her on accident..

she yowled softly due to the pain as I clawed at his neck taking him down as he kicked me off... "I Hate you!" I hissed tears welling in my eyes... "I hate you, stupid mouse-brained idiot! She did nothing to you!" His ears pinned as he lunged at me pinning me to the ground with his claws on my throat "she did everything wrong..." he hissed into my ear "and had pathetic kits too weak to defend her clan and couldn't even keep herself in line..." I kicked his chest and bit him clawing his face and making it bleed as blood spatters a bit pinning him "I hate you! You're a liar! All for. The start! YOU WEAR NEVET THETE WHEN I GREW UP! ALL YOU WANTED WAS TO RULE THE CLAN AND SPLIT IT WITH FIRE CLAN!" Tears into my eyes as flashbacks of him killing my mother before I was pushed off of him by hawk"storm enough "River'pelt!" He hissed "YOURE, not the one who saw him kill her! It could have been another cat" She hissed as a small crowd of cats gathers "enough!" Leap'star said I saw goose"paw looking at me her ears pinned back she shook ever so slightly how was I so careless I forgot about my kit...I looked at her her eyes reflecting me I had blood on my muzzle it was all smeared I stepped back as they all looked at me. I began to shake as I ran out of camp

( Rose"runs pov )

Poor dear, my paw went to touch her but it just went through her I looked at my paw, and I was see-through I was paw touched her head but she just kept moving her head.. "no, non no, no, please no!" She cried. my ears pinned I didn't want to leave her just yet... I saw amber"star as he shook his head as a 'let's go'... I shook my head, I don't want to leave's better off that way...I watched as she chased off the cats who just wanted to help...I ducked my head before going with amber"star)


My heart raced as I ran I didn't stop memory after Memory came into mind'
Being mentored and feeling their warm fur next to body jolted into a halt as I ran into a Tom stumbling into them as I pinned them. my eyes locked onto there's. I knew them from somewhere... "ASPEN-HEART!" I shrieked clawing at him. as he kicked me off. "What do you want?" I hissed at him. "I thought you were dead!" I stood there looking at him. "But I'm not..." he had a kitty pet collar on...I stopped trying to process all of it. my old mate alive? No... "Traitor!" I said pushing him

He looked down... "I know..and I'm sorry that I did leave and fake my death
After a battle, I slipped away a fire clan cat chased me and I was bleeding so I ran into the two-leg territory and was found by a two-leg and was forced to stay so I never came back..until now.." his brown eyes look into mine.. "you know your way" I said. We walked back into camp.. "but you have to lose this." I said biting the collar he wore and breaking the thin layer as it made a small thump on the ground. Before walking into the camp.... "river pelt!"....they stopped seeing aspen-heart Ivy"Vine came out of the den teary-eyed. "Aspen-heart!" She yelled before running to him and hugging him tearing up at the same time. I missed you so much! She cried. I shifted uncomfortably as goose"paw patted up to me. "Are you okay?" She mewed licking my fur. "Yeah," I purred. "Who's that?" She stiffens her back, and arched slightly... "that's aspen heart the cat who was supposed to be dead" ....she grumbled slightly.

Goose"paws pov

I walked out of the den ignoring the small number of cats gathered as I licked river"pelt. "Are you okay?" I softly mewed. "I'm fine she" replied. "Who is that?" I said, my back arching into a hissing pose. "That's aspen heart..." all sound around me went silent. 'Wait aspen heart as in the aspen-heart rose"run told me about?' I thought... I wondered what their fight was about..wasn't he dead?...her eyes narrowed at Ivy"vine jumping all over him like a hawk carrying off a cat....her tail thumped the ground...Crimson'Oak walked over to us and said that training was beginning.

I caught up with him as we went to mossy rocks. I aimed for his flank and pushed him over as he kicked me off, and jumped on me. I used my side to push him into the rocks, earning a hiss from him as I ran forward, staying out of his claws, before lunging myself from under to pin him. The training went well or so. I lay on my best, flopping from my belly to my back. "ugh," I groaned, trying to not wake anyone up...

I got up and cantered out of the den and out of the camp hearing the river rush. 'please be there'...I hoped. I went over the mossy rocks and saw Otter-pool sitting there..his head lifted and he smiled. I plunged myself into the river swimming across... "hi," I painted out of breath from swimming. "Hi," he smiled, looking at my small frame. I blushed a little, "so uh..what now?" I asked, sitting next to him.. "hmm how about we hunt?" He gestured. "sure-but..." he cut me off, "what? Scared to get caught?" I nodded. "I'm not even supposed to be on fire-clan territory anyways!" I shook my head. "Oh, calm down," he said his soft light brown and tan fur rustled in the slight breeze his tone was calm. "come on, we won't get caught." he trotted off. I was hesitant, but went along even as a kit I hated fire clan but him...

he's just so different from the rest of the clan...he went into a canter and turned around the corner. "Hey, wait up!" I said chasing after him. I jumped on him, knocking him over as we rolled down a small hill. I landed on him, "got you" I said my muzzle close to his and my paw on his chest. He blushed deeply. "okay, you got me. can I get up now?" I laughed, "fine.." I purred, getting off him. "Do you know how to hunt?" otterpool titled his head. "Not really we haven't hit the base on that." otterpool seemed surprised. "That's like the first thing to know.. Here, I'll teach you," he said. he sniffed the air, "do you smell that?" his whisker twitched. "Yeah.." we followed the sent as he crouched down and I did the same.. "what now" I whispered. "lower you're haunches, use your back feet, push up, and jump on the mouse. and it's like fighting..." I looked away from him and turned my attention to the mouse. "okay," I said, jumping onto the mouse crushing, it in my claws, and nipping it as it squeaked and took its last breath. "good job," he said padding out the long brush. his soft pelt glimmered in the moonlight.. we split the mouse and talked about what was going on in the camp. "Okay, so earlier today, River'pelt came back with her Ex-mate can you believe that?" my ear flicked. "What no way!" otterpool's eyes widen. "Yeah, way.." Liverpool thought for a moment, "why did she leave him in the first place?" he tilted his head. "So what rose run told me is that they got into a fight and that was the day of the battle over fallen trees. and so they said he was dead but he turned out to be with the two legs." I took a bite of the mouse. "Wow..." a bit later we lay in the tall grass on our backs as our fur mixed into each other's as he told the story of their clans. I looked at him as his pale green eyes looked into mine as we both blushed. The moon rose higher and higher. I smiled "I have to go before anyone comes into the den and realized I'm gone." I sat up. "oh alright, I'll see you sometime." otterpool smiled warmly. "Yeah," I meowed, running off back to the river. My body plunged into the cold water as I winced a bit before getting used to it and getting to the other side and running back to camp as he was now on the other side. "Bye..." I heard him faintly say "bye!" I half yelled before running off into camp. thank star clan no one was up. I went into the den and lay down. I looked at the moon and smiled before falling asleep......

( yes yes, I know cheesy right? But I hope you liked this chapter. Sorry for not updating but we had school and homework so that's another thing that kept us from writing have a good Day or night )

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2023 ⏰

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