Chapter five

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I awoke as the sun was rising after all of my worries of goose" paw going with crimson'Oak. I starched and yawned I was the only warrior up at this time I patted out of the den and onto the leader's rock. I hope all is well for the battle over mossy rocks I sighed. I walked out of the camp feeling the slight breeze on my pelt before walking onto the wet leaves. the river roared, and I heard the soft Rusling of thunder in the sky. Something told me that starclan wasn't happy with something.

I felt my face hit the floor as I tumbled slightly with another cat I kicked their belly to throw them off of me they groaned in pain as I pinned them. "What do you want why are you here?" I hissed knowing it was a fire clan cat. I took back my words as I saw goose"paw under me my claws slightly dug into their chest fluff. I shook why was goose"paw smelling of fire"clan? I got off of her. "Goose"paw! What are you doing out here alone?" I hissed with worry. "I walked out of the camp to get some fresh air and a fire"clan cat was at the border so I decided to chase them off..." she was lying. "Let's get back," I suggest before we trotted back to camp. Leap'star was sitting on her rock announcing. This morning. Dapple"fox had her kit early this morning- "River-pelt goose"paw where have you been?" She said with worry..... when was she worried? About me...or goose"paw?... "we're. fine just went on a stroll chased off a fire clan cat..." I didn't know what else to say. She nodded. "I will have fox"trot and lamb"whisker stand guard in case any fire clan cats come into the clan." the two cats nodded. The meeting ended I was still wondering why she smelt of fire clan...I went into the med den to see dapple"foxes kit... "oh river"pelt what brings you to here?" Thrustpelt mewed. "Just seeing how dapple fox is doing." I let out a soft purr. "Oh, she's resting right now but you could see her later.." thrustpelt tilted her head. "oh, okay." I said turning out of the den.

Rose"run patted over to me and licked the top of my head. "I want you to be safe out there okay?"she purred. "Okay....I just want you to be safe as well..." I mewed I nuzzled into her fur slightly while purring....her reddish-white-washed fur mixed into my white fur...Rose'run and I spent the whole day together as it softly sprinkled Soon as it was night the moon started to rise and leap"star declared it was time to go as the rain softly pours over our pelts..mud sloshed and squished under our claws. Rose"run was by my side as goose"paw was on the inner...she stopped and crouched down waiting to see who would make the first orange Tom walked out into the clearing charging us with multiple cats following ears pinned as the Tom lunged at leap star...all those thoughts ran into my head as I remembered..,

(don't worry. I will always protect you, leap"paw..)

my claws dug into fire"stars fur and he hit the ground with a slosh.. My flank was hit with a cats head as I swiped at them biting their fur. I ran slightly as the rain became more heavy as I tryied to see where goose"paw was I couldn't see her. I felt my face hit the ground as my neck was clawed at crimson'Oak was attacking me as I clawed him in the face he yowled as blood dripped from his face. I leaped at him, knocking him over into the mud before running over to rose"run who had three cats attacking her. I scratched and tearing them open some wounds they had as we fought side by side before I heard a Yowl. it was leap"star, she was pinned agenst the rocks by a black as night Tom. I rushed over to her

(we laughed as I chased leap"paw around before tumbling knocking her over and being pinned by her as she laughed, 'you're gonna be a weak warrior!' she teesed 'says who!'I said knocking her off me.)

my claws dug into his flank as I tumbled off the rock with them and into the river as a splash was around us I held my breath hearing leap"star scream my name from the top of the water. we both sank while clawing at each other. I clawed their shoulder seeing their blood swept by the wave. I swam up taking a breath of air as the river tumbled to us as I grabbed onto the rocks pulling myself up and out of the water, running back into the battle clawing at some of their hunches and making them bleed for all the blood they have spilled. They yowled in pain as a grey Tom lunged at me as I kicked them in the face splitting their muzzle. they yowled, running away and bleeding as I looked up.

(⚠️gore warning!!⚠️)


Rose"run was fighting crimson'Oak. I froze reflecting off my childhood,

( you stupid mouse brain! I heard my mothers' voice screech at him. I saw blood spill as she crouched down holding the mark across her face)

I was stumped out of thought as I was pinned and bit by a cat. I saw him claw at her before pinning her and biting her as she kicked him off. he clawed her belly, my eyes full of tears as her guts spilled into the cold stones of the mossy rocks her blood splattered all over as she slowly fell off the rock and onto the wet ground, Her intestines overflowing onto the soil as I cried "NO!!!!" I kicked the cat off and rubbed one
of their fur off before running to rose"run as I heard the fire clan leader yell to retreat. I was caught up running the same way they were as I crouched down onto her body crying out, " no no no! Please wake up!" my tears spilled onto her white-washed body my ears pinned and my tail intertwined in hers. "No! Please! no...." Cats gather around their heads ducked down in sadness. I continue to cry out pleases. " you can't be gone no!....."my head nuzzled into the back of her neck. "Please...." my tears soaked her damp fur. I didn't care that blood was on my pelt all I wanted was my mother back.....

I didn't even tell her I loved her......I cried out my fur heaved up and down....pine"frost said we needed to get back to camp and bring her with...he went to grab her body as I snapped and lunged at him. "You leave her body alone!" I hissed clawing at him and crying he shook under my claws. They nodded and left.....I shook and I stayed with her...I didn't want to go not one bit....the rain poured off and on as I let my paws dangle over the other side of her body...I sniffed nuzzling closer into her. Her eyes were Frosted over with a pale white sheet. the night was long and cold. Leap"star sent cats to come to check on me but I kept chasing them away even my best friend hawk" head tilted sideways onto Rose"runs side as I kept remembering all the times I had with her,

(my soft small body pressed against her soft warm body as she licked me I mewed softly. my siblings all bunched up next to me and she softly cried of sadness. I couldn't feel the others moving as they went to grab my scruff I mewed loudly)

(I ran with leap"kit and bumped into rose's paw 'oof!' I said falling onto my back)

Did I cry out why her? I will kill his sorry self...I growled swearing I'd kill my father.....

(((( Ayyyyyy sorry for not updating but I hope you liked this little chapter I thought it was sad. but anyways as always the next chapter is always killing us XD but maybe when goose"feathers Story is done I can make a story all on river"pelts life :3 but anyways that will be in the future so bye now! Rip rose"run 🌹 🪦

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