H a p p y P i l l s

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Mornings, Afternoons, Nights of The life at the Slenderman Mansion and Proxy Cabins were always something to remember, and always will be.

It's been awhile, surely you and your killer posse have had your ups and downs, but from the shit you've been smoking things have been pretty high.

Brian filled you in on hunting, and that lead to you two going up north every spring and autumn for deer season.

Jeff and E.J come by once in awhile, but are quiet. Jeff, You and BEN usually end up black out drunk whenever you three are left alone. You and Eyeless Jack caught up on your late nights of love, and worked things out to a stable friendship.

The other members of your posse have grown used to your presence, the realization of you being a Proxy, and not a "mortal".

You, have matured. You are a skilled worker, doing what you must to please the man of the house.

The one who brought you into this life, is the one who welcomed you the most.

Tim & Masky.


June 23rd, 2023


1 : 32 PM



Early summer thrives, the flowers and trees stretch tall to reveal their beauty. Although the beautiful forest looms quietly, there is a reason for that.

The prey of this woods has learned to not alert the predators, or the residents in the Mansion on the top of the far hill.

You kneel in a thick brush, your rifle lined up with the deformed buck in the distance.
It slowly bows it's head to feast on the grass below, taking in it's surroundings without notice.

The breaths that escape your chest are measured, not to loud to alert the feasting creature.



Soft foot steps are heard behind you, making your crouched body grow cold. If it were a animal behind you, there was a chance you would end up falling to the ground with no head. If it were a human, you would have to shoot them and leave the meat of the buck to rot.

"Haven't made any kills today?" The voice softly questions, and instantly you know who it belongs to, Tim.

"No" you shake your head, bringing your cheek to the tip of the rifle, leaving your dominant eye open to aim.

"Pull the trigger, before it realizes we're here." Tim pressures, kneeling besides you. The sensation of his hand on your left shoulder makes you shake, but you breathe in to steady the anxiety.

Through the target, you aim for right behind the ear, like Brian taught you.

You breathe in, sliding your finger onto the trigger. Tim's grip on you tightens in anticipation, he leans closer to your face to see the view of the buck.





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