chapter 5

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Kinn /mile

The day when that tragedy happened kinn was with korn, when he got a call from pete due to poor connection he had to come out of the car , and in another second everything became a mess ,this accident not only harmed him physically but mentally too seeing his father dying in front of him  affected him deeply bcs it was not the first time, fortunately doctors saved his life but he lost his eyesight though they assured him it was temporary, with proper treatment and care it can be healed, for two months kinn didn't talk to anyone only asked about Marwin .
khun and kim came to meet him but most of the time he refused to see anyone, when chan suggested the idea of shifting kinn under grandpa somchai's he immediately agreed because he wanted to stay away from everyone and only took Marwin with himself , that island was the safest place to hide him where none of his enemy will ever guess . Chan hided his real identity and introduced him as Mile, it was difficult for Dr somchai to take care of mile and Marwin alone, he needed someone for this job chan sent some people but mile kicked out all of them because either they misbehaved with Marwin or with him .. then apo came , at grandpa's request he agreed to let him do this work after all Marwin needed someone, Although he couldn't see but he knew that Marwin was happy under apo's care bcos whenever they were together Marwin's happy giggles never stopped. APO always encouraged him even when he didn't take his help he always asked before touching him .. mile felt like finally he can trust someone .
When apo took him at the beach he was so happy , and the way he explained the beauty of the moment , he felt like he can see all the things, after that day mile started feeling comfortable around him. For the first time after that accident he felt happy.
Morning beach walk became their daily routine. And Mile and Apo both became friends also it was showing good effects on Mile's health, he started eating properly, and the exhaustion from work out resulted him a good sleep, slowly slowly his condition was getting better, grandpa somchai was so happy seeing him recovering.

One day .. Mile apo and Marwin  were  returning to home,
" Both of you will not go anywhere i am coming back in 1 minutes" he left Mile's hand but mile held it again "no.. where are you going " he tightened his hold ..apo smiled and said " just one minute " he took marwin's hand and gave it in Mile's hand " don't let him runaway " then he walked away.
But it was not even 30 seconds and mile became anxious."where did he go?"
Apo came back " i am here" he was gasping and laughing at the same time
He had three ice cream in his hand. He gave one icecream to Marwin . One to Mile but he refused to take it " i don't like ice-cream"
"What dare you insult love of my life" apo exclaimed ,
"what are you,? Two?
" No i am 27 "
" Okay " Mile didn't know how to react at this new information about his care taker, that he is just one year younger than him  , he got curious what this young man was doing at this remote island. Does he live here? He doesn't sound like a country boy.
Apo bended and poked marwin's cheek who was eating his icecream with a biggest smile on his face .. they both were fond of each other
" Did you like your icecream little winny" ...
" Yesss yesss " Marwin started jumping
" Heyyy only i can call him Winny"  mile whined
"Your daddy is jealous " apo forcefully handed the icecream on Mile's hand and kept eating his own.
" Daddy daddy"  Marwin chanted and giggled...
When mile heard the daddy word that icecream fell on his hand.. and became statue
"What did you say ,.. say it again" apo asked..
" Daddy .. daddy"... Marwin kept chanting
Apo was so happy that he didn't even realise when he held Mile's hand started shaking it in excitement...
" Did you hear mile he called you daddy "
Mile's eyes were closed and suddenly a drop of tear rolled down..he nodded his head in acknowledgement
" Yess ... He called me daddy " and smiled so widely... And in another moment apo was hugging him...
For a second mile got shocked but then he returned the hug ..
" I am soo happy Mile..." Apo tightened the hug .. mile was confused by himself that why is he not pushing away this boy. And why does he want him keep hugging him like this . He felt safe in his arms but his heart was beating so so fast it was a new feeling and he knew what it was..and he immediately released the hug .
Apo took Marwin in his arms and took his Little hand and wiped Mile's tears
" Look your daddy got emotional" "daddy"
Marwin called him daddy again kissed his cheeks..apo could see how happy mile was at that moment there was a proud smile on his face.
Suddenly Marwin kissed apo's cheek and called him daddy too
Apo got shocked " call me uncle ... Uncle"
Marwin shook his head and again called daddy.. he looked at Mile's side
Who held his his hand
" He doesn't understand let him be .. Let's go home" Apo nodded
On way back home finally apo asked about Marwin that why did he start talking late.. and he was surprised that mile answered him and told him about his medical conditions that during his birth he had some complications which made him curious who was marwin's mother but he didnt ask anything further.

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