chapter 7

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After one month
It took him one month to fully recover, to become the way he was before the accident to become kinn anakin theerapanyakul, from outside he became his past self but from inside he was changed, because there was not a moment in those 30 days he didn't remember apo . He could have searched him.. but he didnt because he didnt want to involve in his Mafia life.. his mind kept telling him to forget about that boy and move on but his heart didn't let him do it . His heart beat used to rise every time he remembered his touch.. sometimes Marwin started to cry.. while chanting  "i want daddy".. making everyone  confused when Kinn is there why was he  still crying, except kinn who knew everything, but what could he do? Besides making him forget about him.. kinn didn't tell anyone about him .... except his two best friends.

One day kinn was sitting in his office lost in thoughts of the days at island.. he didn't realise when time and Tay came inside. After calling him 3 times he came back to the present..
" Don't tell me you are still thinking about that caretaker boy..." Time said while laughing
Tay was seriously concerned about his friend " if you are really missing him that much why don't you go and search where is he?"
Kinn stood up and went near window
" No i don't want to involve him in my complicated life ...he. ... He is too innocent for this Cruel world... I don't want people to use him against me , he will be good without me"
Tay went to him and put a hand on his shoulder " You are in love kinn"
Kinn looked back at his friend..." I don't know what i feel is love or not but... He is so important for me"
"Then how can you let him go " it was time
" Because it's better for himm" kinn answered back
"But what about you? " Tay went back to his chair..
Kinn was silent..
"There is a new bar.. and it's really amazing, let's go and enjoy.. you will feel good " time suggests..
" Yes kinn... It's been months we didn't party together" Tay agreed with his boyfriend
Kinn was not in a mood to spoil the excitement of his friends so he just agreed without any complain.

Three of them arrive at the newly opened bar .. it was huge and aesthetic,  there was a sign of phoenix with neon lights.. kinn really liked the atmosphere of that place.
" Are you ready" Tay asked in excitement and kinn nodded..


Porsche was confused. It's been a month since he last saw kinn he still can't sleep. He thought that him leaving will make him okay but it made him even more restless. Is kinn well now? Did he forget him ? These thoughts keep on circling around his head and his heart is aching  just to check on him. But why is he feeling like this , now there's no business between them right. Porsche got up and went to the balcony . It's currently 11 pm now and he has a meeting at early morning but instead of sleeping, he's staring at the view of Bangkok while remembering the days at island What happened there made Porsche like this What if kinn start hating  him? When he will find out the truth? Kinn will not let this go. But the more these thoughts surface, the more guilt Porsche feel.  Kinn did nothing wrong. Kinn did not cause his  to father's  death , it was korn.

For the nth time, Porsche begins to cry because of all these situation.. Cry because of guilt, regret, pain and all the emotions he can't point out. He just wanted to see him for once if he's okay or not, He just wanted to stay by his side knowing that was impossible.It's frustrating. He thought that things are getting to be normal but no he was wrong he was just confused .

That's when he got a call from one of his employee.. informing that kinn Anakin has visited one of his bar , Porsche didnt know how to react at this info.. he ordered his manager to keep an eye on him.. " wtf kinn.. what are you doing there it's not Even one month yet you went for a party" Porsche said in mind
he instructed the bartender to half the quantity of alcohol in drinks of kinn . Anyone will think Porsche is doing this to annoy kinn because the tension between theerapanyakul and kittisawat was not a hidden fact. David heard the conversation but somehow he had a doubt , Porsche's increasing interest in kinn. .. was not good , he made a note to ask him about it in the morning.

At phoenix bar

After drinking 2-3 glasses time and Tay were unable to stand straight but kinn was full concious..

" Ohhh Tay and time , why you both have wasted just in 2 drinks .. " kinn said annoying and called his bodyguard to take care of His friends
" Kinn , why are you still sober .. you have ALSO drank as much as we did"
" That's what I am thinking, it's feeling like i didn't  drink, alcohol didn't even hit my throat, and you said here is the best drinks of Thailand " kinn was confused too... Suddenly big came up with the Phone on his hand
"Khun kinn, p'chan has called, he told me to inform you that he is waiting for you with the information you asked for .. "

After hearing it Kinn became alert ..
'i am going  back to compound and big take care of them" big nodded and kinn left the place

Chan was waiting for kinn in his room...soon kinn appeared..
"Tell me chan .. what did you find out"

A.N.- sorry for the late update i am busy nowadays. 🙏
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