High School Never Ends (1.2)

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Unpacking was by far the worst part of moving.

After all of Roxanne's bags had been dropped at the door of her apartment by the moving company Kelly had hired three days ago, there had never been a chance for her to sit down and unpack them. She was only going through them to get any supplies that she had needed the last few days while they proved to the CEO, Arthur Griffin, that the boy band was back. Some time on Day Two the rest of her belongings that were too much to put on the plane had arrived and were also collecting dust by the door. It had been a long three days, but now everyone had a fresh start on Day Four. No one had to be at work until 9 am in order to give their boss, Gustavo Rocque, an adequate amount of time to rest after the stressful start to the week.

Roxy never wanted to be an early riser, but the combination of working late shifts at the radio station in order to finalize any administrative work or wedge in any old pop songs she found online before the show started always resulted in her being awake at the most absurd hours. With a call time of 2 o'clock in the morning and high school starting not long after at 7:30 am, no wonder she was hardwired to naturally wake up just a bit too early.

When she had awakened this morning, she tossed and turned in an attempt to fall asleep again but just couldn't bring herself to. It was a new experience to be living completely on her own and she wasn't sure she liked it quite yet.

So, she did what any responsible 16 year old would do: put on a tape of her own, designed to get her woken up and get to unpacking. Picking up the heavy bags of clothing by the door, she could already sense it was going to be a long morning. The music wasn't playing too loud from her bedroom, but it was loud enough for Roxy not to hear the banging on the wall connecting to the neighboring apartment 2-J.

The first step was laying out her clothes. She separated them by color and style, placing them neatly on her bed before digging through some of the boxes for her hangers, absentmindedly singing along to "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" as she went. The first box she rifled through on her hanger quest held kitchen supplies which she placed in the small kitchenette of 2-H accordingly. Examining its contents, Roxy had found her tea kettle.

"Tea sounds great..." she mumbled to herself.

Under the soft light of the kitchenette, the silver kettle glittered as she filled it at the sink. She would have to remember it was on and catch it before it let out its scream - a good early morning challenge. Once she was done, she moved on to the next container. Box Two was full of her favorite novels and some of her old songbooks. It was easy to get distracted while unpacking and finding her old entertainment sent her down memory lane as she recalled the crummy songs she had written when she was younger.

Thankfully, there was a small built-in bookshelf on the wall by her bed. Box Two was one of the bigger ones, and she had a little bit of trouble carrying it from the door to her room but succeeded nonetheless. Reaching into the cardboard flaps, she pulled out one of her old books from her band days before quickly putting it back inside. She had gotten off track -what had she been looking for again? Hangers.

As she walked back into the main room, she heard someone speaking by the front door - loud enough to be heard over the tape. Walking over to the door, Roxy tried to catch as much of the conversation as she could.

"No, James, you knock. You're the one complaining about your beauty rest. You didn't need to drag us out here at 5 am."

It was hard to tell who was speaking due to the background noise, so she moved over to her player and switched it off. Making her way to the door, she flung it open just before James had been able to knock.

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