Lonely No More (1.3)

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It had been a rough day for team Big Time Rush. Five hours of dancing, seven hours of harmonies, thirty-two bottles of water, and fourteen ruined bandanas later, there was nothing the teens were looking forward to more than spending an evening out of their crummy apartments.

One of the places that provided the five the most comfort was the stillness of the Palm Woods pool after dark and today was no exception. Dragging feet and dragging bags led them out onto the comfy lounge chairs, plopping down and having a rare moment of relaxation.

"Thank goodness we can escape the stresses of Hollywood at the amazing Palm Woods pool," Kendall reflected, causing Roxy to close her eyes and listen to the gentle lapping of the water.

Footsteps clattered behind them as a weird-sounding bell rang. "What's this? I didn't order extras!"

The girl shot up in her seat, extremely startled. When she turned around, she spotted a middle-aged woman with a headset and clipboard. "What, us? Extras?"

"We live here," Kendall chimed in, lazily raising his hand and pointing to the source of his relaxation, "This is our pool."

The woman fired back, fuming, "No, this is our set for the Sexy Dog dog food commercial starring Lighting the TV Wonder Dog."

Following her gaze across the pool sat the handsome dog, Lighting, getting his black and white fur combed out. His little pair of sunglasses and casanova-style robe would've made Roxanne laugh if he wasn't threatening their relaxation time. The band waved to the little creature as the girl sunk deeper into her chair, determined more than ever to stay rooted in her spot. She would even sleep outside if she had to. Anything for a moment of tranquility.

What even is Sexy Dog dog food?

Before she had the chance to contemplate this further the woman with the clipboard yelled, "Strike the teens!" into her headset. One by one, her friends were picked up by some of the men working on the set and dragged off in the direction of the hotel lobby. A hand made its way to her shoulder causing her to flinch and do her best to wiggle out of the grasp it took on her. Another hand gripped down on her arm, then another two around her ankles as she felt herself pulled slightly up, scaring her even more.

"Let go of me! My friends are hockey players and I swear to you I'll grab one of their sticks and beat you with it!" Roxy spat out, doing her best to keep her breathing under control as her heart pounded out of fear. Of all the things that happened today, Gustavo yelling at her, Kelly needing her help cleaning the studio, and the boys needing constant supplies through their twelve-hour work day, all she wanted to do was relax. Now she was too terrified to even think about visiting the pool again. "You can carry me to the lobby and I cause a scene or you let go of me and I walk myself."

The four men glanced at each other, then over to the woman who commanded them to dispose of the unwanted company.

"Fine," grumbled the woman. "Just get off my set."

Hands let Roxanne go as she scrambled to her feet, grabbing her small backpack from the slot in between the lounge chairs. Without turning back to the commercial set she made her way toward the lobby. A shiver shot through her body as she flung the door open and mentally cursed out the mean producer. Beside the door, the boys had been dropped down onto the ugly orange couches that decorated the foyer of the hotel - also displeased with the outcome of their relaxation-by-the-pool quest.

As she leaned on the back of the couch seating James and Carlos, she closed her eyes to enjoy the quiet music playing overhead and did her best to forget the feeling of foreign hands on her body.

After a moment, Kendall spoke again, "Well, at least we can recharge in the stylish Palm Woods lobby."

"Roxy? Are you-" began Carlos before he was cut off by a bitter voice.

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