Video Killed The Radio Star (1.17)

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"It's time..." Carlos was very pleased to announce, holding five large cherry-flavored slushies out to his best friends while they enjoyed a nice morning out by the pool. "For the first annual Big Time Rush Brain Freeze-off!"

The rest of the band echoed his last word, "Off, off, off, off..." in an attempt to make their little challenge feel far bigger than it actually was.

While the five of them had been friends for quite some time now, the four boys had the advantage of knowing each other all their lives to make memories and share traditions year after year. Roxy on the other hand, did not have that luxury and was often roped into their old traditions with little explanation or, on rare occasions, got to hear about their fond memories second-hand. More often than not, however, her friends would merely have to mention a place or event, and they would all be on the same page, omitting any important details from the situation and just expecting Roxy to understand what they were referring to; It drove their assistant nuts.

After she had told Carlos this while they were hanging out in the park the other day, the helmet-wearer was determined to come up with a new tradition she would be there for from the start and had combined a few of her favorite things to make it happen. How could she ever say no to the formation of core memories, sweet boys, and syrupy cherry flavoring?

"What are the rules again?" Roxy asked casually, trying to ignore the way her mouth salivated once she laid eyes on the delicious treat in front of her. This was a competition after all, and she was playing to win.

"Excellent question, Roxy," The singer beamed, wiping a bit of condensation off the edges of the cup in front of him. "First one to get a brain freeze wins."

Simple enough.

There were, however, more comments coming from her friends. Logan held a finger up, eyeing the slushies too. "What's the prize?"

"Brain freeze is its own reward," Scoffed James, as though the answer were obvious.

Agreeing, Carlos, Kendall, and Roxy nodded their heads.

Once everything was clear, Carlos placed one of the large cups in front of each of his friends, who were surrounding one of the high-top tables by the pool in close proximity to the lobby.

Goodbye unbearable summer heat!

It was Kendall who counted the group down.


Each of the teens reached their hands out, wiggling their fingers in anticipation.


So excited she was practically bouncing, the assistant did her best to reel herself back in.


No one wasted any time in snatching the plastic cups off the table before slurping down the freezing cold concoction using the long, red slushie straws.

In the spirit of the competition, the writer did all she could to quickly induce the most painful brain freeze she had ever had. Pushing the cold concoction to the roof of her mouth at least gave her some time to enjoy the delicious flavor, though she was still trying her best to chug as much of it as she could, taking in the horrible faces her friends were making as they sucked down their own drinks - with every passing second, it was harder and harder for her to keep her laughter in at their crossed eyes and gaunt cheeks.

While everyone continued to drink, the sound of a crying teenager and squeaking wheels let out through the open lobby doors, revealing one of the band's classmates trudging his way to the front doors - suitcase dragging behind him. Noticing this fact distracted the band, Roxy pushed on, even as the four made their way into the room to watch the rest of the scene unfold.

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