Original Prankster (2.7)

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Waiting for the day to be over just as soon as it began was excruciating.

From the moment Roxy woke up, her mind was already on the evening since she and James had made plans to spend some time together to wind down after their busy work week. The band had been so caught up in recording a new song Gustavo had written, "Big Night," which he only felt was perfect enough to release the previous day after about a week's worth of producing sessions.

Not only had that been getting in their way, but Jo and Kendall had a strange face-off with Jett and the New Town High publicist a few days ago. Apparently, the publicist had tried to break up the young couple so the media could think the two show co-stars were together and boost the show's ratings. Roxy got an earful about it from both Kendall and Jo, then unexpectedly a bit from Jett at the pool the other morning, so her free time to spend with her boyfriend had been filled up by others using her as a space to vent.

It's not like I never see him... Roxy's mind wandered as she and the boys finally returned to their apartments after work. They'd technically been together all day at school and Rocque Records, but when she and James split off from Carlos, Kendall, and Logan, her stomach filled with butterflies at the door to 2-H. But this is far different.

Though he might have thought he was good at hiding his emotions, Roxy could tell James had also been a bit antsy throughout the day, be it from wanting to get out of Mrs. Collins' boring lecture on chemistry or the relentless five-hour dance practice Gustavo had put him and the band through. In class, she could feel his leg bouncing up and down at the desk beside hers, the rough material of his blacked-out jeans gently scratching against the skin of her calf. Then, at work, he complained far more than usual about Big Time Rush's strict training schedule and the minute the clock struck six, he grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the booth where she was testing out a few new melodies.

To know he wanted to spend time with her just as badly as she wanted to spend time with him sent another bout of fluttering through her chest.

This is what having a boyfriend is supposed to feel like...

They'd been together almost all of three weeks and not a day had gone by without a similar jittery feeling. James didn't have to tell her how much he enjoyed being with her, she could just feel it any time they were around each other. His longing glances toward her through the glass in the studio when the band was recording, the eagerness with which his hands would seek out hers when they walked side by side, each and every time they kissed... Everything was just perfect.

Roxy couldn't be happier.

Tonight was no exception, even as they popped open the door to 2-J - Mrs. Knight's rule - and plopped down onto her couch.

As the writer snuggled into her boyfriend's side, she picked up the TV remote and turned the device on, absentmindedly scrolling through the guide to pick something to watch. Though, admittedly, if James kept rubbing circles onto her hip with his thumb as they cuddled, she hoped they wouldn't be watching whatever she picked out for that much longer.

"Hmm," The girl sighed, pressing the downward-facing arrow on the remote over and over again until the TV guide landed on the CW channel. "I don't think I saw this week's new episode of New Town High... We were too busy in the studio."

New Town High aired on Wednesday nights, which was awfully inconvenient for the writer considering that was the night Gustavo tended to hold her back after work to get some songwriting in. Between watching her friend's show or furthering her career, it wasn't very hard for Roxy to prioritize her job over TV, even if she hated the position her producer put her in.

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