Chapter 11

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"lords and Ladies we are all gathered here for the trial of Sirius Orion Black III " announced Amelia Bones to the wizengmot crowd

Many people cough cough - Molly Weasley  cough cough vocalised their concerns  about it being 'traumatic'

" Ahem Ms.Weasley . You have no right to decide alright so , bring the prisoner in "

Sirius was brought in . He was pale and his hair was of a lighter shade. His eyes held no emotion .

" Do you consent for veramestium?"

"Yes " replied a hoarse voice

" Bring the veramestium"

An unspeakable brought it .

" What is your name "

" Sirius Orion Black III"

" Who are your parents "

" Wulbugra and Orion Black"

" The veramestium works" announced Amelia

"Did you betray the Potters"


Whispers spread across the room .

" Were you the secret keeper for the Potters"

"No , Peter was the secret keeper . I was a decoy "

" Why were you put in Azkaban without a trial "

"I don't know ..... I came to cattage when I felt something was wrong and was about to take Harry when Hagrid arrived and took him from me and said it was Dumbledore's orders . I told him off but he cast the what I now realise as The Imperious Curse and I ended up going after Pettigrew "

The whole of wizengmot gasped .

" Get Rebeus Hagrid here now !"

" Yes ma'am"

" Sirius Orion Black has been declared to be innocent . The ministry shal repay him 50 thousand Galeons for every year in Azkaban to cover for his mental treatment. "

Sirius was free . He was free . He couldn't believe it .

He saw Harry and smiled then remembered something and frowned .


"Hey padfoot"

"So which house are you in ?"

"Oh lovely Adrian and Rosaline were in Slytherin too"

" You know !?!"

"Yes that's why Dumbledore targeted me "

"Ya I found out when I came to Gringotts "

"Oh "


" Lords and Ladies we are here for the emergency trial of Rebeus Hagrid "

" Bring the Veramestium "

"What is your name "

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