Chapter 16

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The school was in a state of fear .. Mainly the Muggleborns .

Ronald and Hermione brew Polyjuice potion and snuck into the Slytherin dorms .

" Hey Draco , Crabbe and Goyle  "

"Sup Hade "

"Hey Har" the two greeted

Hadrian narrowed his eyes at them and turned to Draco .

" Any clue on who the so called heir is ?" Asked Hadrian

" Nope and when we find this so called heir we're all gonna end up killing the guy . I mean why !? Salzar Slytherin did not hate Muggleborns ! We all know he was paranoid that the Muggles would learn about our world .

I-i just dunno . Slytherin's name is aldready slandered and then this guy comes in " ranted Draco

Hadrian nodded .

Ron and Hermione ran out and rushed into an abbandoned classroom

" So neither Malfoy nor Potter are the heirs and the Slytherins have no clue .... " Said Hermione

Ronald scoffed
" Then who is it a Gryffindor " he retorted


Back in the Slytherin common room , Hadrian smirked .

" What ?" He snapped

" I-its just .. why are you smirking like you have plotted something  totally unorthodox" replied Draco

" Fine , I'm taking you my dear brother to the chamber to see who is it behind the killings "

Draco groaned
" If i die i will haunt you to the rest of eternity "

" Mhm "

" And I'll take all your treacle tarts "

" Nooooo you wouldn't "

" Pray to all the deities that i'm alive then"

The laughed and Hadrian led Draco to the girl's bathroom .

"Hadrian ......"

" Just trust me k?"

" I swear i will haunt you in the afterlife "

§ open § hissed Hadrian

The sinks parted , revealing the chamber of secrets .

§ stairs §

They walked down and reached the main room .

Draco gulped nervously and fidgeted with his robes

§ speak to me Salzar , greatest of the Hogwarts four §

The mouth of the statue of Salzar opened and out came a humongous Basilisk .

§ Hello ?§

§ Hello i am Hadrian §

§ i am Azalea . Your magic it has traces of Tom's magic §

§ well Azalea it's because he is my godfather and technically adopted father §

§ i see and who is this ?§

§ He is Draco Malfoy and who is the heir of Slytherin §

§ i do not know my memory is fuzzy since the last few weeks but i remember a man . He had blonde hair , blue eyes and wore my master's necklace §

Hadrian paled and then growled
§ Dont worry Azalea he won't mess with you anymore §

§ thank you Hadrian §


" We are never doing that again ! You hear me Hadrian Acidius Peverell !"

" You didn't die " pointed out Hadrian

" So ?!"

Hadrian rolled his eyes . So it was confirmed . Every damn black is overdramatic .

He sighed

How does he deal with them .


The next day he wrote a letter to Lucius and smirked as , during breakfast auror's along with Amelia Bones walked in .

" Gildroy Lockheart, we have found you guilty of fraud and using obliviate's to fool people "

Everyone gasped

" Now now its not all true -"

"Oh please say that after going through veramistium "

There was outrage from his fans and Amelia just rolled her eyes .

Hadrian had enough as well and twitched his wrist and a golden thread came out of Lockhart. 

It twisted and then turned into a sort of screen

" There the banshee is gone " said the witch - Mathilda Beatricx

" Sorry not sorry Mathilda "

"What do you mean Gildroy ? "

"Obliviate "

" Oh hey Gildroy . Thank you for defeating the banshee "

" Always , i love helping wizards and witches "

The whole hall gasped . Gildroy Lockheart was a fraud .


He was dragged to Wizangmot and was sentenced to Azkaban .

The obliviated people recovered their memories .

The attacks stopped and people deduced it as a prank .


In his Office , Dumbledore growled .

Why !?

Why!? Couldn't ? Why wouldn't Tom attack young Ginny.

Then Harry would save her

But he did not reveal his Parseltounge when Ronald shot a'  serpenseptoria '

Where did he go wrong !?!


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