(CxO) Ice cream

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Orel clicked on the doorbell as Christina opened the door with a smile on her face 'Oh hi Orel' Christina closed the door from behind her as Orel smiled back at her 'Hi Christina' Orel hugged her as she hugged back

'Hows your day?' She said as they hold hands as they started to walk away from her/Christina's house 'Im doing okay' Orel said as he swings the hands back and forth while their walking 'Oh thats good, so what should we do?' Orel looked away from her as he started to scratch his neck

'Well... I was about to tell you about that too' He said embarrassed as Christina chuckled 'Thats okay lets just think of what we should do for now' They sat on a bench thinking of what to do as they looked at eachother 'Lets get ice cream!' They said at the same time as they laughed

'Sure lets go!' Orel grabbed her hand again as they started to walk to a small ice cream shop that is new 'Ooooooo' He said looking at the shop as Christina let go of his hand 'Come on!' She opened the door for him with a cheeky smile as he blushed 'Thank you. But we boys should do those rather than you girls'

He walked inside with a disappointed face at himself as Christina frowned 'Hey. Don't feel sad about it and let's enjoy getting ice cream okay Orel?' She pointed at the different flavours as Orel smiled 'Okay Christina' They started to pick ice cream flavours as they payed for it but Orel's money was taken back to him

'Huh?' Orel said confused as Christina licked her ice cream 'I pay for it because you deserve the world~' She flirted as Orel blushed alot as she laughed 'Come on follow me! I wanna show you something' She opened the door again for Orel as Orel happily went out the door as Christina followed,

She holded his hand as they started to run away from the ice cream shop while they lick their ice cream happily. She finally stopped running as he let go of her hand 'Woooooooaaaah' Orel and Christina is at the cliff looking at the view of the beautiful sunset as they breathed the air

'Wow its been a long time since ive been here' She said licking her Ice cream as Orel sat besides a tree 'The view is beautiful. Like you' Her eyes went wide as she blushed with Orel's little compliment 'Thank you Orel' She sat besides Orel as they eat their ice cream happily.

Orel went home after spending time with Christina as he was welcomed with his 2 brothers 'Drink!' Blockey said trying to open the toxic container as Shapey is looking at the sharp tool thats in his hands, Orel went up from his room as he heard his parents fighting

'What were you THINKING!?' He heard his mom's angry tone and then his dad's voice with a scoff 'For the last time-' Orel heard a slap which he winced, he closed the door behind him as he sighed going to his bed changing to his sleeping clothes.

He decided to pray as he got to his position then started praying 'Hello god. I want to say that please make my dad a better man as for my mom please make her happy again after what happened back christmas. Please show them or guide them to where Shapey and Blockey will be in the future, and as for me-' 'SHUT UP OREL!' His dad banged on his door but Orel didn't flinch from his dad's comment but he sighed

'Sorry god. Amen' He got up from his praying pose as he got in his bed then took a long sleep.

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