(JxO) Feelings

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He groans in a panicked voice as Nurse bendy putted a hand on his shoulder 'Whats wrong? Do you have a headache?' She said worriedly as Joe made a no nod 'No. Its something that i don't know how to say' He said sadly as she pulled off her hand on Joe's shoulder

'Im always here for you son okay?' She said with a soft smile as he smiled back 'Yes mom, im gonna go back to sleep' She kissed his cheek goodnight as he started to make himself comfortable in the cute bed hes with and is surrounded with toys

He is wearing his normal suit as he got out of the door locking it as he made his way to church, while he was walking to church he was met with Oral 'Oh hi Joe!' Orel waved at him as he suddenly felt fidgety 'Oh. Hi Orel' He said as he fidgets with his hands as Orel got inside the church with his family,

He went inside as he took a seat waiting for Rev putty 'Tsk this is boring, what a dumb person' He said annoyed as Rev putty finally got on the stage 'Now, we shall start this' Joe didn't listen at all as he only did is looking at the wall uninteresting till he heard something that caught his ears

'Gays. Gays are sinners! If a man and a man likes eachother that means they can't make any babies and it brings shame to others!' Joe's eyes widen at this as he looked down (Who am i kidding, im not gay!) He looks up with a uninterested face again as he waited for the man to stop

'And uh yeah that's all, amen' Everyone said amen as Joe just rolled his eyes. After he got out of the church he was met with Orel 'Hello again Joe!' Joe scoffed as he punched Orel's shoulder 'Ow!' 'Shut up you ugly looking dumb dumb, this is the reason why your making me feel something whenever im with you!'

He screamed at Orel as he tilted his head confused 'What? What did i do?' He said sadly as Joe blushed madly when he saw Orel sad (Hes so cute... Wait) He shaked his head as he screamed at him again but louder 'SHUT IT DUMMY!' Joe pulled his tongue out to him as he started walking away,

He decided to visit him mom as Nurse bendy was painting her nails 'Oh. Hello Joe' She said smiling softly as he fidgets with his hands 'Well. I-is gays... Bad?' She gasped as his eyes widened 'Nononono don't worry mom im not-' She started to laugh as he looked at her with a confused face

'Well, yes but if they really love eachother very much thennnnn they are sinners' He sighed at her words as she made a ahem noise 'BUT! If they care for eachother and love eachother then there is nothing wrong with that' She patted Joe's head as he smiled 'Thanks mom' 'No problem son'

He is in school swaying in the swing as he looked at his left to see Orel and some guys with him 'Hey Orel! Is it true your gay?' Orel's eyes widened 'No! Thats a sin!' He said scared as the boys made some good sighs 'Thats good. We believe you' Joe gripped the rope of the swings as he got up from the swing pulling Orel with him

'Ah Joe??' Orel said confused as he blushed hearing his name 'Shut it Christian boy and also i have somethin to tell ya because you are a dum dum and dummies deserves to know something dumb'

Joe pulled his tongue out with a bleh noise as Orel was confused but he still went with him as they were at the back of the school 'Joe we need to learn! We can play some other time-' Joe punched Orel's shoulder as he winced 'Shut it Dummy, its... Important' He looked at Orel as Orel smiled 'Oh okay!'

Orel waited for Joe to say something as Joe sighed 'Listen. Um. I... Like you?' Orel nodded obviously doesn't know what's going on as Joe putted a hand on his forehead disappointed 'Hope you'll get this hint.' He kissed Orel on the cheek as he looked at Orel waiting for his reaction

'...Is this a greeting kiss or some sort?' Joe sighed about to give up as he thought of something that made him blushed 'Hey Orel look at me' Orel looked at Joe smiling as he kissed Orel on the lips, Joe pulled him off as Orel blushed 'I-i gotta go.. See you you stupid dum dum'

Before Orel can say something Joe ran away from him as he started to breath for air 'D-damn it' He blushed at himself thinking of Orel in his mind as he silently screamed at himself

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