(CxO) Picnic

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Christina knocks on the door as she hides behind the house as she looked to see Orel opening the door confused 'Pst, get out of there and close the door' 'Oh okay strange woman!' Orel closed the door as Christina went up to Orel 'Oh its you! Hi Christina' He smiled at her as she chuckled 'Hi Orel, good thing it was you that grabbed the doorknob, it would've backfired by now'

Orel raised an eyebrow 'What backfired?' She grabbed Orel's hand as she started to drag him with her running fast 'You see, since you always visit me at my house as i sneak out. It's getting kinda old so why not visit you and make you sneak out' Orel looked at the basket as Christina smiled 'I felt like doing picnic but i want it to be us only' Orel blushed at her words as they started to walk uphill

'Oh so we're gonna go do picnic up here?' Orel said looking at the hill where their almost at the top 'Duh! Its gonna be relaxing and a nice picnic' She said as they finally got up 'Here we are' She putted her basket down as she started to spread the picnic cloth down 'I'll help' Orel started to get the sandwiches and small cakes as Christina blushed 'Thank you Orel' Christina grabbed the sodas inside as they both settled down ready to eat

'Oh i almost forgot to give you something' Orel's head tilted as she started to search something on her pocket to pull out a bracelet with words on it as Orel's eyes widened 'Woahhhhh these looks amazing' Orel said eyeing it as she grabbed his hand then opened it as she putted the bracelet in his hand 'I made these. Its my first time making it so uhm...' She blushed as Orel pulled out of Christina's hand as he started to wear it to see his name on the small smooth wood that reads his name Orel

'O-oh their beautiful..' He blushed smiling at her as she smiled too 'Come on lets eat now' She said to Orel as Orel nodded 'Okay!', They started to eat and drink the food and sodas as they spent their time talking to eachother on the hill of how's their day was and what they did. With that the sun was almost setting down 'Oh i need to go back home' He said to Christina as she nodded 'Lets do this sometimes' She said kissing Orel's cheek as he blushed 'But i'll help up with you. Its mean for me to let you grab all of these and do these on your own'

He started to grab the plates as she started to grab the sodas as they putted it inside the picnic basket 'I'll take care of the picnic cloth. Thank you Orel' She grabbed the cloth as he waved at her 'Bye Christina!' He started to run down the hill as she smiled 'Bye love.'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2023 ⏰

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