(CxOxJ) Little date

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Orel waits at the park fidgeting with his hands as he thought of what to do with his lovers as he saw the two of them 'Hi guys' He got up from the bench as the two went up to Orel 'Babe! I thought we're gonna go on a date together! Not this... Dumb person' Joe glared at Christina as she scoffed 'Shut it, emo boy'

Orel scratched his neck as he sighed 'Sorry guys. The together thing means the two of you and me together, not only one of you' The two stopped glaring at eachother as they looked at Orel 'Thats okay baby' Christina kissed his cheek as Joe clenched his hands

'Yeah yeah my turn missy' He pushed her away as he kissed Orel on the cheek 'Hehe. Well i was thinking we can go to this ice skating thingy, i-i know its not Christmas but i wanna try it' He looked at the two of them as they nodded their heads 'Sure, i can't think of anything' Christina said as Joe agreed 'Follow me guys!'

Orel started to walk as the two followed as they decided to talk to eachother while walking 'Hey Orel baby, uhm how do you know that ice skating?' Joe said as Orel chuckled 'My friend Doughy showed me it' The three walked silently as they finally made it 'Here we are' Orel looked at the entrance as the two made an ohhhh sound

'Me first!' Joe went inside first as Orel sighed 'Joe-' Christina went inside chuckling as he groaned, he went inside to see the two eyeing the ice skating shoes that was in their hands 'Woahhhhh' They said as Orel chuckled 'Ill have one too, thank you' He got the shoes from the worker as he pulled of his shoes then weared the skating shoes with no problem, he grabs his shoe and putted it in the empty locker with numbers on it as he grabbed the pictured number

'Its been a long time since ive skated, so this is gonna be akward' Orel said to them as Christina scratched her head 'Actually. Me too' Joe grinned as he started pulling of his shoes 'Ive been skating ever since me and mom trained ourselves to skate since we loved too' He got up as he grabbed the shoes and putted it inside the empty locker like Orel did as Christina did the same 'See ya losers!' Joe jumped on the fake ice as he started to skate amazingly 'I can do this all day' Joe said as Orel and Christina chuckled

'Woah!' He slipped once he took a step in as Christina did the same thing as the two of them laughed 'Help me here' Orel said sarcastically at Joe as Joe lifted Orel up 'Here ya go my christian boy~' Orel blushed as Christina glared at Joe as she holds up her hand 'A little help here' Joe rolled his eyes as he lifted her up from the fake ice 'I guess i'll teach you guys how to skate'

He said to the two of them as they nodded 'Okay emo boy', after 32 minutes they finally know how to skate but only learned the basics 'Wow you guys are fast learners' He smiled as Orel and Christina hold hands 'Your so cute my baby' She gave him a fast little kiss on the lips as he blushed 'Thank you... Your cute too-' 'HEY! MINE.' Joe hugged Orel as Christina blushed 'Thanks for the complement Orel' Orel nodded at her response as Joe whined

'Your handsome too Joe, don't worry' He kissed Joe on the lips softly as Joe blushed 'T-thanks...' They started to skate which they enjoyed very much

They left after spending inside for 3 hours as they started to walk 'Haaaaaah i had fun' Christina stretched as Orel fidgets with his hands 'I had fun, thank you guys' He said blushing as the two of them smiled at him 'Im glad you had fun Orel' Joe said and while they were walking Christina's dad and Orel's dad walked up to them 'Where the hell were you Christina/Orel!?' Christina and Orel gulped scared as Joe glared at them 'Your coming home, now' Christina got pulled by his dad as Orel got pulled too by his dad

'See you at school Emo boy' 'Bye Joe!' Christina and Orel said to him as Joe smiled 'See you dum dum and Christian boy' He waved at them as he started to walk home

Christina x Orel x JoeWhere stories live. Discover now