Obstacle (Bakugo x reader)

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I was trying hard not to fall asleep as I stared at the back of Ectoplasm's head trying to understand the nonsense math equations he had put on the board. A paper ball suddenly landed on my desk.

-stop sleeping freak

I rolled my eyes and noticed there was more on the paper.

-and stop rolling your eyes at me. I don't need to see you to know that's what you're doing

I turned to face the culprit and did what no one in their right minds would ever do to him unless they had a death wish, I gave him the middle finger. Just then the bell rang and I and said culprit waited for Ectoplasm to leave the classroom and a few seconds later, I bolted towards the door.

"oh no you don't freak!"

I obviously ignored and kept running

"get back here and maybe I'll think about forgiving you"

" LIAR!" I knew I was screwed the moment i heard a familiar sound from behind me and he landed in front of me making me collide with his chest.

"hey, using your explosions is against the rules!"

"its only against the rules if I use it beat up someone, in which case I don't need for you" he put me in a headlock and began to mess up my hair

"hey! Do you know how long it took me to do that? you jerk!" he just snickered at me and continued to mess it up.

"Suki stooooooop!"

"and done" I pulled out my phone and put on my front facing camera.

"Suki I look like I just got out of bed! This is going to take me a while to fix- hey don't laugh at me! You better wait while I go fix this" on my way to the bathroom I spotted Deku and Uraraka talking

" Kacchan again?"


"need help?" Uraraka asked while stifling a laugh. I pouted but nodded.

-in bathroom-

"sooo when are you going to tell Bakugo you like him"

"when you tell Deku that you like him"

"oh come only y/n that's not fair"

"neither is life. I will when the time is right"

"well when will that be?"

"I don't know. But I'll know when it's time." We walked out to find Bakugo holding Deku by the shirt and yelling something and the latter was shaking and waving his hands between them frantically. I sighed, grabbed Katsuki's ear and pulled him away

" Suki we talked about this. No beating Deku for insignificant reasons! sorry about him Deku"

"it' s alright y/n-chan" I nodded and dragged him away only releasing his ear when we were far enough

"I'll kill you"

"good luck" I shot back. As we walked my mind drifted back to the first time we met

-10 years ago-

I was sitting alone at my desk while all the other kids played around. I was new and didn't have anyone to talk to. Then two boys approached me.

"why the hell are you sitting alone freak?"

"Kacchan that's not very nice!" the one known as Kacchan hit the other on the head

"shut it Deku I do what I want!"

"well you do not get to call me freak"

"whatever. what's your quirk? Or are you a quirkless loser like Deku"

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