1. First meet

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Draupadi's swayamvar

Karna and Kauravas had come to attend the swayamvar. karna and duryodhana were married so they brought their wives along with them to watch the occasion while some of Kauravas were also participating in the event in an attempt to win over draupadi as their bride .

They were all seated together and were waiting for the event to start .

Vrishali : This is so boring sissy , I could have had fun playing hide and seek with my friends if I had stayed at the palace instead .

Bhanumati : wait dear , it will start soon , there will be some interesting contest . It will be so entertaining to watch , believe me . My swayamvar was so much fun .

Vrishali : I never had a swayamvar .

Vrishali felt sad she didn't know if there was any other queen beside her who didn't have a swayamvar.

Bhanumati : That is because you and your husband are self made king and queen while we are born as one . Also a swayamvar is for a bride to choose her groom , you were already in love right so there was no need for one .

Vrishali felt better after listening to bhanumati .

Vrishali : But my wedding was so good I bet it was a lot better than yours sissy .

Just then they heard sound of drum beats . Someone made an announcement that the swayamvar is about to begin . It was followed by the arrival of drupada , the king of panchala .

Drupada welcomed everyone in a grand speech . Then the focus of his speech was shifted to his daughter draupadi , the bride . He praised his daughters beauty and even made a statement that she was the most beautiful in the entire world . All the kings who were participating in the competition were so motivated by those words that they were ready to give their best to attain the heavenly beauty no matter what . While the participants were happy to hear those words as it gave them more reason on why they should give their best , one person's world was completely shattered by those words .

Vrishali was so shaken by those words . Her husband would always say that she was the most beautiful in the entire universe and here this uncle was saying that his daughter was way more beautiful . She whispered into bhanumati's ears asking if it was true . In response bhanumati just smiled but didn't utter a word . She felt cheated , she turned to look at her husband but he seemed to be having a serious conversation with bratha duryodhana . She felt decieved by him . All these days he had said that she was most beautiful , was it all a lie ? Only way to find out was to see the bride . She was anxiously waiting for her arrival . She was getting irritated by the uncle on stage who was still explaining the rules of the competition . She took few long deep breaths to calm her mind .

Finally after explaining the rules of the competition , which was an archery competition in which the participant should use a bow which was not an ordinary one , it was much heavier than a normal bow . Using the bow the participant should aim and successfully shoot down a wooden fish which was mechanically rotated by people behind the scene . Not just that , the participant was supposed to use the reflection from the water inorder to aim the fish that was rotating at a height above a pool of water .

Drupada ended his speech by saying " whoever wins the competition will have my beautiful daughter's hand in marriage " . It was followed by a loud beats of drums , trumpets , flute & other musical instruments . Everyone were so eagerly waiting to see the heavenly beauty.

Vrushali's heart was beating heavily she had never felt so tensed , she looked at bhanumati who was looking at the stage with open mouth , vrishali scanned around , it was same story with almost everyone . She turned to see her husband who was still immune to everything going around . Her husband and bratha duryodhana were so indulged in talks . She felt so angry at him . She felt like shouting at them for being so childish .

After a few moment , the bride , draupadi arrived with her sister shikandi and brother drishtayumna accompanying her .

Vrishali finally got to see her beautiful face . Her skin was dark and smooth , she was so beautiful . But her husband was not lying , she was even more beautiful than draupadi , for she had seen her face in the mirror like a million times . She was finally relieved and felt so sad that she had doubted her husband even if it was for once .

Vrishali : sissy , they are so wrong . I'm the most beautiful in the entire universe , my husband always says so . You know that my husband never lies , are they blind enough to not count on me when making such serious statements . They are nothing but big fat Lairs!! .

Bhanumati laughed .

Bhanumati : My husband says the same to me.... Vrishali I can't believe you still think like a 10 year old . For every parent their children are most precious & beautiful and the same goes for husbands as well .

Vrishali : But my husband never lies .

Bhanumati slaps her head .

Bhanumati : okay , I agree with your husband that you are the most beautiful one . Now let's watch the event .

Vrishali : sissy but don't be mad at bhrata duryodhana for lying to you . He is such a sweet person , please don't be angry at him ..

Bhanumati bit her lips trying hard not to laugh realising what vrishali meant by that .


To be continued....

Finally!! After a very long time I wrote something . This was written for fun you might not like this one . I missed writing so badly . This was not written with lot of thinking and was written in a hurry so forgive me for bad grammer or choice of words & the scene .

Thank you for reading .

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