4 - Haley

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When Hotch woke up, he looked around realizing he had been in Reid's home. He grasped his stomach, feeling sick. Finding the bathroom, his stomach churned. Groaning, he threw up. As he washed his face and rinsed his mouth, he popped a couple aspirins, in which Reid had appeared to have left the bottle out for him. He leaned over the counter, looking into the mirror, sighing in discontent. He saw a complete mess.

Someone knocked on the door, it was Reid.

"You okay in there?" Reid asked worried.

Hotch grunted as he opened the door. Walking out, he said, "Hey, I'm fine." He passed Reid, and sat down where he had slept the night. Confusion set in, "What happened last night? All I recall is having a drink with you."

Reid only blushed, not knowing what to tell Hotch.

Suddenly, making his nausea worse, all his worries grew back, "Shoot, Haley! I need to leave." Hotch shot up from the couch, only to regret doing so so fast. He sat back down, clutching his abdomen.

"Take it easy," Reid said, sitting down beside Hotch.

Hotch groaned, he had a terrible headache which made thinking worse. He closed his eyes.

When Hotch woke up, he decided to get going. His head still ached, but he needed to straight things out at home.

It was late afternoon as he drove up his drive way. Haley had the garage open. She was putting a suitcase in the trunk.

Hotch parked the car, and came out asking, "What's going on?"

Haley kept loading things into the car.

"Haley!" Hotch tried lowering his voice as he put his hand on her shoulder, "Stop. Whatever you're doing, stop."

Haley set down the box she was carrying, looked up at him and said, "I'm sick and tired of whatever we are doing, Aaron! I can't keep going on like this! And where were you last night?! I thought the case was over."

"It was Haley. I had a drink with Reid and ended up just staying the night at his place,"

"So you pick your job over us. Now you put getting drunk with your buddies over us! What else?!"

"Dr. Reid and I, we are not 'buddies'. I'm his boss, and we just had a drink, and I just passed out so he let me crash at his place," Hotch corrected. Then he thought to himself, "Was that all that happened? Just a drink?" He remembered then, that Reid hesitated.... What was he hiding from him?

"Aaron, I'm sorry. I've tried and tried and tried to compromise with you and your work. I can't do this anymore,"

Hotch protested, "We have compromised, you just have to accept what I do." His head ached, the aspirin had worn off.

"Aaron, that's the thing. We did. Not anymore. I don't want to be lonely for the rest of my life sitting at home, and waiting for my husband to return home safely! I compromised. You didn't. You merely sat back and relaxed while I dedicated my life to be with you. You just dedicate your time to your job,"

Hotch yelled, "When I'm with you I try to focus on us one hundred percent! Whenever I come home though, you just push me away from being able to focus my time on you," Hotch grimaced. His head was killing him from his hangover. He then had a sudden urge to puke, so he rushed inside the house.

Haley ran right behind him screaming, "Aaron?!"

He got to the bathroom in time to lock the door.

As Hotch finally finished emptying his stomach contents, he heard his wife banging on the door. The banging pounded his skull.

"Did you seriously drink so much to get a hangover? Really? Why?" Haley asked annoyed, "Why? Is it because of me?"

"No," Hotch tried.

"Don't lie to me, Aaron!"

"I just need some time alone, please," Hotch groaned. He just needed rest without someone yelling at him. He was sick of it.


Seconds later, Hotch heard the front door slam.
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