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The Great Hall 1976

It was the first day of classes and breakfast started as usual, the Ravenclaws were silently reading a book or preparing for their first class, over at the Hufflepuff table you could hear light chattering.

Quite the opposite was happening at the Gryffindor table where James Potter was once again declaring his love for Lily Evans. The other students found it quite annoying to be honest. While James was doing his thing, Remus Lupin was reading a book, while peter Pettigrew was stuffing his mouth with as much food as he could. Sirius Black on the other hand was in an other world, he sat silently at their table watching the Slytherins where his brother Regulus Black conversed with his girlfriend Astra Malfoy and their friends Barty Crouch, Severus Snape, Evan Rosier and Rabastan Lestrange. He was quiet jealous of the bond he had with them, but it was his choice to leave him all alone with their awful parents.

Sirius was snapped out of his thoughts by James shaking him. "I think this is the year she is going to say yes, she has to. It's impossible to resist this beautiful face." James boasted. Sirius rolled his eyes in response he said this every year "Yeah sure mate and I will become mother and fathers favourite."

"oh, you bloody little git, you're just jealous that you won't have all my attention when she says yes." Responded James. "am not!" gasped Sirius out in offence. Already done with their shit, Remus hit them over the head with his book and made them listen to the headmasters speech. " I want to welcome everyone to this beautiful new year and want to remind them that the forbidden forest is still of limit..."


The doors of the great hall were slammed open by non other than Walburga Black. " Sirius Black what have you done this time, you filthy little blood traitor." " Dumbledore what is the meaning of this?" asked Euphemia Potter before the argument escalated. "I don't know my dear, I was not informed that there was a meeting." Answered Dumbledore .

As soon as he said that a tiny paper came floating down from the sky. McGonagall grabbed the thing and began reading out loud

" dear past, in about a minute there are going to appear 8 movies about the life of a certain boy. We send these because we want to prevent some major things from happening in the future. While you are watching these movies the time will stop outside the great hall, so you don't need to worry about classes. ".

Everyone gasped in anticipation and began talking over each other. "SILENCEEEE" said Dumbledore calmy "why don't our guest take a seat so we can start the movies.". The guest (the Weasley, Lestrange, black, Potter, Malfoy family) took a seat close by their family, curious to what the movies contained.

When they were about to start the movies there was a flash of white light. "Ow, you're squeezing me." "don't be so sensitive you drama queen, I'm barely touching you." "Who's foot is in my nose?" "Get off me you fatass!!!" "GIRL, who you calling fat" "Guys, shut up".

As the group of people finally looked up they saw perplexed faces and wands pointed at them. "Hy, we are from the future and are here to watch the movies with you." Said a regal looking girl with blond hair. "Why don't you guys introduce yourself." Suggested McGonagall. "Sure thing, Minnie " said a buzzcut boy with a wink. " I'm Blaise Zabini, 20 years old, former Slytherin and son of Serena Zabini and a father who went to get milk." "You idiot, stop making jokes about your trauma," said the regal looking girl "sorry for that thing (GASP), I am Daphne Greengrass, 20 years old, former Slytherin and daughter of Marcus and Clara Greengrass."

The next was a boy slightly shorter than Blaise " I am Theodore Nott Jr., 20 years old, former Slytherin and son of Theodore Nott Sr. and Amalthea Nott." He said with a smirk that could make everyone melt.

The next one to introduce themselves was a wide eyed Girl and a boy with white hair  "Hello, I am Draco Malfoy, 20 years old, former Slytherin, the son of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy and this beautiful girl next to me is my mate and wife Luna Lovegood" "Draco, I can introduce myself" "I'm sorry my love." Said Draco with a look of adoration in his eyes. While everyone awed at the cute conversation between the two lovers, some were confused about the mate part. "Stop with that sappy shit I don't need to barf in front of people." Deadpanned a sick looking Blaise.

The wide eyed witch went on with the introduction like nothing happened " Like my mate already said, I'm Luna Lovegood. I'm 19 years old, a former Ravenclaw and my parents are Xenophilius and Pandora Lovegood."

Astra squealed for her best friend she had a lovely daughter and husband in the future, she was over the moon for her. Regulus looked at her if she had just stolen the stars for him, his eyes were practically hearts. "You're like a love sick puppy Reg." teased Rabastan. 

While Rabastan and Regulus were squabbling like little children.The next person from the future introduced himself " I'm Neville Longbottom, 20 years old, a former Hufflepuff and the son of Frank and Alice Longbottom.". When the boy said that, the mentioned couple got teasing looks and comments. Alice was blushing so hard she looked like a tomato and Frank just looked like a smug motherfucker.

"I'm next!" shouted a tall red head, "Honestly you have no patience" deadpanned an annoyed Theo he could feel the headache coming in already. "Shush you little kid, We are" a look of realisation crossed the red heads face "I mean, I am George Weasley, 22 years old, former Gryffindor and the son of Astra Malfoy." This caused an uproar from the past, a Malfoy with a Weasley.

Astra was looking at George confused, she didn't see any similarities. Reggie was ready to fight anyone who would take his love from him. " You can't just drop a bomb on them like that George, I'm surrounded by idiots." Scolded daphne. "Let me explain, George's biological parents are Arthur and Molly Weasley but because of circumstances they are only seen as spermdonor and birthgiver." Explained daphne as if she was talking to toddlers.

"Well now that the tantrum is finally over, I shall introduce myself, I am Harry Potter, 20 years old, former Gryffindor and the biological son of Lily and James Potter." Said the last person from the future. When James heard that he went on a rampage " You hear that I get the girl, take that padfoot, I get my lily flower. Suck it bitches!". "James Potter sit your ass down!" exclaimed an appalled Euphemia. "Ooh you made mama mad." Teased Sirius. McGonagall sighed this was going to be a long movie marathon

"Now that everyone introduced themselves, I think it's time to start with the movies. The future can sit wherever they like." When the newcomers heard that they went to their respective families, well everyone except George. He walked straight past Molly and Arthur not without saying hello to his siblings and went to Astra without one look back. When he arrived he was welcomed with open arms and a loving hug from his real mother.

HIIII, I hope you liked the first chapter. Did you see what I did there with George and his Introduction????

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