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EXT. privetdrive – morning

Harry opened his striking green eyes blinded by the sunlight. It was morning, the only thing that changed from the night before was the presence of 6 bottles of milk neatly put next to each other. When Petunia Evans opened the door to get the milk, she screamed bloody murder 

"Vernon, come here!" yelled out an disgusted Petunia, what was this child doing in front of her house. He didn't come "VERNON" she screamed once again making Harry cry. Not caring, Petunia waited on Vernon. Her husband came waggling in "What is the matter, women" he grunted out. 

A pale faced Petunnia just pointed at the now red eyed baby on their front step. "Take it inside, I don't want anyone seeing that thing." Demanded Vernon going back to where he came from. The Evans sister picked up Harry carefully not knowing what deceases he carried. Once inside the kitchen where Vernon was scarfing down his breakfast like it was his last, she put him roughly down on the table. Petunia snatched the letter from the basket not before, sanitizing it first. 

"Dear Dursleys, I have some unfortunate news your sister (in law) and her husband have passed sadly away. They were killed by an evil wizard not able to protect themselves. I now leave Harry in the care of you, you can do whatever you want with him. The only exception is sending him away, he needs to stay in your house because he will be protected there. I hope you have a great day! Greetings Albus Dumbledore" Read Petunia out loud. 

"Your freak of a sister and her good for nothing husband have gotten themselves killed and now we're stuck with their little freak of a child." Vernon sneered turning purple.

  "My lily flower is not a freak" roared James out ready to kill the Dursleys for saying that not caring that Harry was stuck with them. "And James isn't good for nothing, they said some untruthful things but I'm glad Harry went there, they will take good care of him." Lily said getting disturbed looks from Sirius and Remus, realising they didn't know there friends all to well. Reg and Astra looked at Harry in concern not knowing why but feeling the need to protect him from all evil. 

"We need to send him away right this moment." Decided Vernon. "But Vernon you heard what the letter said, we can't send him away." Uttered Petunia in a disappointed voice. "We will send him away, I wont have a freak living in my house. He could get our Dudley infected with his freakishness." Exclaimed Vernon determined to get that thing out of his house. "Oh my your right, my little Duddykins needs to be safe. We can't send the thing away just yet tough what if the older freak comes to check up on him." Said Petunia now concerned about her little munchkin. "We will keep him for 2 weeks no longer, put him in the cupboard that's where it will be staying." With that he ended the conversation, waggling away muttering under his breath about freakishness and that bitch of a sister. Petunia picked Harry up and placed him in the cupboard under the stairs, locking the door.

  "A cupboard, they left him in a cupboard." Screamed an enraged Sirius, looking at James and Lily he saw how calm they were. "Don't you care they left your son in a cupboard. What is wrong with you." He yelled at Harry's parents. " Calm down, of course we care but we know it's just temporary. They're just finding him a place to sleep." Answered a calm James not seeing the problem. 

Remus glared heatedly at the couple, trying to keep Moony at bay. "James Fleamont Potter, what did I hear. I hope I'm going deaf because that's not how we raised you young man." Said a frustrated Fleamont, doubting that his son would be a good head of house or a father at all. Deciding he would keep an eye on James behaviour throughout the movies. Otherwise he would need to give the inheritance to his grandson.

 Euphemia agreeing with Fleamont that is not how they raised him, not caring for his child. He should learn how special magical children are, it's a great blessing to conceive one. 

On the same day that Astra lost her baby, there was another baby forgotten, left in a cupboard not given any food or water. After a week baby Harry was barely alive to weak to even cry out. 

When he was on the brink of death the cupboard opened, Petunia came to give him his first and last meal for his stay there. "Little freak, I don't even know why we should give you food but we need to keep you alive don't we." She muttered under her breath feeding little Harry quickly wanting to get out of the cupboard as soon as possible, it smelled like death in there.

 Deciding that Harry was good to go for another week she went out the cupboard and locked it again. Harry was left alone again not feeling full at all. The next week was torture the only thing keeping him alive was his magic. 

" I'm going to kill them." Growled out a furious Remus, Mooney surfacing wanting to protect his cub from them. " No no no Mooney we can't kill them." Exclaimed Sirius. Remus snapped his head towards Sirius "Exactly, they are my family even if they did some wrong thing." Said Lily. 

Then he snapped his head towards Lily not believing what they were saying. "We're going to torture them, death is to merciful. They will be begging for death when I'm done with them and Evans can join them as well since they are your family, we will call it family bonding." Continued Sirius with a dark gaze in his eyes ignoring Lily. 

"Some family bonding I'm in, we could use some don't you think?" asked Regulus with a crazed look in his eyes, a dark smirk plastered on his face. Sirius looked at his brother in shock but quickly composed himself, sending Reggie a nod and the famous Black smirk. Astra was happy for Reg, he was bonding with his brother again not that she didn't want to join their little bonding trip.

 "Keep my girlfriends name out of your damn mouth." Yelled a red faced James sending a hex Sirius way. Sirius wasn't bothered by it to angry at his former best friend. 

With all the commotion going on was everyone to busy to notice Harry slipping out of his seat and walking to Astra, hugging her and crying. Apologizing over and over again, saying that he tried to get to know them but they didn't care. 

The female Malfoy was confused on why he would come to her but hugged him backed nonetheless, soothing him with her gentle words. McGonagall decided that the movie should be started again before the situation escalated even more.

When the week was over you almost couldn't recognize baby Harry. A relieved Petunia opened the door of his cupboard once more, happy that they could get rid of him. Deciding he should need a bath, she grabbed him and put him in the sink letting cold water run over him, grabbing the dish soap she began rubbing him clean. When al the dirt was gone she put some old clothes of her Duddykins on him.

 Ready to go she yelled for Vernon, the sooner he got there the sooner they could get rid of the freak. The drive to the orphanage was long they didn't want the thing to be close to their little angel child. When they finally arrived they gave him to the first adult they saw, said his name was Harry Potter and drove away.

 Leaving Harry in the hands of a total stranger. 

Hii nice people
Another chapter for you guys, I really like this one I hope you do to. So if anyone didn't get the message this chapter happened on the same when Astra lost her baby well the first part. A reminder that I am always open for some critique and would love to read your comments. :) 

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