Chapter two: Grady White

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     The next morning JJ and John B. hauled the debris off the HMS Pogue and got her running again. Sid was their first stop on the way to pick up their friends. They docked at the Cameron's and waited for Sid to come bounding down to them per usual, but instead, they watched as Sarah and Sid swung tennis rackets at birds.

     "No. No, no, no!" Sarah screamed at the birds as one dove at a mouse that scurried into a bush.

     "Sarah, Sid!" Ward called the girls that were running and leaping with great purpose.

     "We're busy!" Sarah called back.

     "What are you guys doing?" Ward asked, confused at the sight before him.

     "The burrows filled with water from the surge," Sarah explained.

     "The birds are having a field day," Sid added, leaping into the air to swat a seagull aiming for a mouse.

     "The birds have to eat too, girls," He told them, walking with

      "It's mouse genocide out here," Sarah said, beating a bush with her racket as a bird dove in headfirst.

     "No!" Sid yelled as another Mouse was sacrificed.

      "The cycle of life is what it is, girls. Now, come on," He said, starting to get embarrassed having Lana watch them run around like crazy.

     "I can't be a part of it, Mr. Ward," Sid told him, swatting her racket some more.

     "First, they came for the mice, Daddy," Sarah started to explain.

     "Yeah, well, I have an actual human being..." Ward said, gesturing to Lana.

     "Oh, my god," Sarah said, walking over to her.

      "I'll hold down the fort," Sid called out to Sarah, continuing to run around the Cameron's backyard while the boys on the boat laughed at her attempts at keeping the mice safe.

     JJ whistled at Sid, causing her head to snap in his direction. He beckoned her with his finger, and Sid looked around to make sure no one saw her sneak over to the boat. "What the hell were you doing?" John B. asked her with a chuckle.

      "Saving mice," Sid stated in an obvious tone.

     "Of course you were, princess," JJ laughed.

     Sid climbed aboard, sending a text to Sarah about her whereabouts. "You have service?" John B. asked with shock.

      "Perks of bunking with the Cameron's," She smirked.

      Once they started to make their way to their second stop JJ spoke up, "John B. told me you surfed the storm. Pretty badass if you asked me."

     "I got on one wave and immediately wiped out," Sid admitted.

     "That's my girl," JJ joked.

      Once Sid saw a dolphin, it was all over for their conversation. She ran to the left side of the boat and admired them as they swam with the waves. "It's kind of a smuggler's boat," Sid heard John B. say as she started to zone back into the conversation he and JJ were having.

      "Morning!" John B. called out to a fellow ship captain.

      "Sure hope Guffy's boat didn't sink," JJ told them while they neared Pope's dock.

       "Hi, Miss Amy!" Sid yelled from across the boat, looking at the woman who cleaned debris from her dock.

     "Did you guys get through it?" John B. asked Miss Amy.

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