Chapter 8: Redfield

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     "She said she's not coming," Pope shouts to John B., who sat in the driver's seat of the Twinkie.

     "Yeah, Sid, either," JJ added. "Why not Kie, though?"

     An hour prior, John B. had just figured out what Redfield really meant, and he wanted the whole gang there to uncover the next part of this never-ending mystery. Pope went to The Wreck to grab Kie, while JJ went to the Cameron's, reluctantly, to get Sid. Both came back unsuccessful.

     "What'd you do to them, John B.?" Pope asked, annoyed at his friend.

     "Shit," John B. mumbled under his breath. "Hang on. I'll deal with them."

     John B. first walked into The Wreck towards Kie, the restaurant door chiming as he entered, causing Kie's head to pop up. "Um, hey," John B. started. "What are you doing?"

     "What does it look like," Kie sarcastically stated, putting spackle on the wall while standing on a ladder over the cash register.

     "Spackling can wait. We're about to make history," John B. announced.

     "Are you concocting again?" She asked, stepping down off the ladder she stood on.

     "Yes. Yes, I'm concocting. I'm concocting more than I've ever concocted in my life. Look, I know you're just being a good friend, and I know you're not trying to enable me in my delusion, and I know your dad doesn't want you to see me, but listen to me, please," He spoke rambling. "Look, you are my best friend, and I need you right now, and I'm sorry about the kiss thing. That was super weird, and I feel awkward about it, and, listen, I need you, and I'm begging you. I am begging you. I am begging you. And I just want to talk for—"

     "Oh, my God! Shut up!" Kie exclaims, annoyed by his monologue.

     "What?" He asks.

     "I get it," Kie says, giving John B. a kiss on the cheek. "Friends?"

     "Friends. Yeah," John B. agrees. "Back in the friend zone."

     The two walked out of The Wreck and over to where JJ and Pope were leaning on the side of the VW bus. "All good?" Pope asks the pair.

     "Yeah," Kie chuckled, hitting John B. on the arm playfully. "Wait, where's Sid?"

     "Uh, that's our next stop," Pope announces.

     "What did you do? Kiss her," Kie chuckles, but John B.'s face says it all.

     "Dude!" Pope shouts at John B. "You can't go around kissing everybody.

      "Yeah," JJ adds. "There won't be anyone left for us."

      The group piled into The Twinkie and made their way over to the Cameron's mansion in search of their princess. The only question was who would go in and get her. "Okay, rock, paper, scissors?" Pope suggested.

     "There's too many of us," Kie said, turning him down.

     "Look, I'll go in. It's my fault anyway," John B. spoke.

     "No, I'll go in. She's my best friend. You've done enough," Kie glared at him.

     "No, I'll go in. I called dibs anyway," JJ added.

     "There's no way I'm going in the Cameron's layer," Pope said, taking his name out of the running.

     "Look, it's my mess. I'll do it," John B. stated, getting out of the car and walking up to the Cameron's front door apprehensively. He hoped and prayed that she was the one to answer the door seeing as the Camerons, especially Rafe, wasn't his biggest fan. Unfortunately for John B., Rafe did open the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2023 ⏰

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