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(this story is just basically if they went to highschool together in modern times. In this universe the 6 are friend, Yvette, Wadsworth and Boddy are like the popular kids)

And I'm sorry if my English is bad, English is only my 2nd language

Elizabeth (Peacock) pov:

I'm sitting in the class and listening to the teacher bored. Biology is my least favourite subject and it's so boring.

It look over to my friend Blanchett who's just on her phone and not listening to the class like she usually does. "Miss Blanchett White get of your phone and listen to me" our teacher says as Blanchett rolls her eyes and closes the phone.

Finally after a painfully long lessons it's over and go over to Blanchett. "Finally it's lunch time, let's meet with the others" she says as we leave the class walking to the lunch room to find our other friends.

"Hey girls" our friend Peter says firstly like always "ugh Peter stop, i don't want you" Blanchett says annoyed "yeah me neither" Vivienne sighs "hey guys, someone's at our usual lunch table" Michael says and we all turn to look and some boy is sitting there alone eating lunch.

"Let's go up to him" i say and we all go the table. The boy flinches as we sit down "I'm sorry, is this your table, i can leave" he says nervously "no it's fine, we don't mind" i say and smile at him "oh thank you, I'm new here" he says "so how are you liking the new school?' Michael asks him "it's nicer than my old school" the boy exclaims "what's you're name?" Blanchett asks him in her usually un emotional voice
"I'm Jonathan, Jonathan Green" he tells us.

"Well nice to mee you, I'm Elizabeth" i introduce myself to him "and I'm Pete" Peter tells and so forth we all tell our names to Jonathan who seems little nervous. "what's your favorite class Jonathan, maybe one of us is in your class?"  Vivienne says "oh, my next class is English" he tells us "me too, with Mr Johnson right?" Michael asks "yes" Jonathan answers "well we can go there together" Michael offers.

Suddenly the popular trio walks in thru the door. "Looks who's here" i says and all the others turn to look as they do their cool kid walk "who are they?" Jonathan asks "the popular kids, Wadsworth,Yvette and Boddy" i tell "nobody knows what Boddys real name is, everyone calls him Boddy" Blanchett tells him. Jonathan looks nervous. "But if you don't get in their way they wont bother you" Vivienne explains "Yvette is fucking trash" Blanchett exclaims annoyed "why?" Jonathan asks "she fucked my boyfriend" Blanchett says and looks at Yvette with death glance.

Lunch bell rings. "Great, another class" Vivienne says "we'll mi lady we have the same class" Peter says again flirting with her "omg peter, how many times do i have to tell you I don't want you" she grunts very annoyed. We all got to our own  classes and none of my friends are in my class.

On my way to the class on the crowded hallway i bump on someone and turn to apologize. "I'm so sorry" i say as Wadsworth turns around "watch your steps" he says "i said I'm sorry" i say "well next time be more careful" Boddy back Wadsworth up "yeah I will" i say "woo, if it isn't the colorful quintets" Yvette mocks me "actually it's now 6 of us" i stand up to them "yeah we saw, that new boy" Boddy says "yeah, he looks like a little fruity doesn't he" Wadsworth jokes "so what if he, atleast he doesn't fuck somebody else's boyfriend" i say directing it to Yvette "that little emo didn't deserve him" Yvette says "Blanchett isn't emo" i stand up "okay kids, stop it" our Vice principal says and breaks us up.

After long and painful Chemistry class i go to the spot we always hang out. "Hey, how's was chemistry?" Peter asks "it sucks, i hate the teacher, she's so boring" i complain sitting down next to Blanchett. We all sit quietly on our phones until Michael and Jonathan comes to us. "Hey what's up" Michael says "nothing much, nothing interesting is going on" Blanchett says "oh yeah, guess who i got in to a altercation with" i remember suddenly "who?" Peter asks "that trio, i accidentally bumbed in to Wadsworth" i tell them "oh my god, did he get mad?" Vivienne asks "well ofc, and his little friends backed him up" I tell them

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2023 ⏰

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