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As I gazed out the window, I observed tiny rain droplets frolicking on the clear glass and eventually streaming down, forming a pool at the base. A soft exhale escaped my lips, causing a small patch of fog on the glass. I then redirected my attention toward the work on my desk, releasing another sigh.

I grabbed the twine to my left, cutting a few inches off. I began wrapping it around the twigs laid out in front of me. Once finished, I grabbed a few black lilies and attached them to the twig bundle. Holding it eye height, I stared at them, twisting and turning a few things to make it presentable.

Throwing my legs off of the chair, I walked over to the crystal corner. I moved a few stones around before landing on a long piece of obsidian. I smiled brightly, grabbing it, "Perfect!" I said quietly before rushing back to my seat. I laid it down in front of me, along with the small bouquet.

I grabbed the twine again, began wrapping the stone, and placed it in the middle. I weaved the yarn around and around before tying a small knot and gluing it down to ensure it would not come apart. Grabbing it, I held it up to the light watching the rays hit the crystal. It was beautiful to me.


The doorbell sounded as someone walked in. I gave a small smile to the young girl walking in. "Welcome to Crystal Haven; let me know if you need anything!" she nodded while saying a quiet thanks. She started walking around, looking at everything on the shelves. After watching her for a few seconds, I focused my attention on the piece before me.

The lady who ordered it wanted it for her wedding; it was something special to her. I don't like to dig deep into their stories, so I am still determining how it will be used. But I am hopeful that it will add a great touch. I reached under the counter and grabbed some brown paper, laying it out before me.

I cut some and placed the bouquet in the middle, wrapping it nicely. I tied some of the twine I used in the middle, making a cute bow. I put a thank you card under it and slid it to the corner of the counter.

Hearing tiny footsteps getting louder, I turned to the direction the sound was coming from and watched her. She seemed to be lost in thought, staring at a candle. I smiled a her "anything I can help you with, dear?" I asked.

She nodded and walked over to me shyly. "I...just started worshiping a god recently...but I don't have a shrine for him. I want to show my dedication. So I am looking for some things for him" she said quietly. I watched her twirl her fingers nervously.

My face lit up; it's rare people need guidance with shrines, so I don't get to do this often. But when they do, I enjoy it, I learn a few things, and they leave happy. I nodded. "I see; who are you worshiping?"

I watched her pull out her phone going to the pictures; she scrolled a bit before stopping. She twisted the phone towards me; I let out a small gasp. I've seen this before, the mask. It was white with red markings near the forehead. It had three slits on either side where the eyes would be.

He was there when I was hurt; I just thought I was going crazy. Maybe I'm not as crazy as I thought. "Are you alright?" her voice brought me back to reality. I smiled brightly "of course dear! Now what is he the god of?" I questioned.

She smiled a bit while putting her phone away, "he isn't the god," she said, putting air quotations on the word god. "He is only the vessel. But the vessel for the god of sleep," she said. I nodded, looking around at the things lining the walls. What would a sleep god like? Melatonin? Pillows? Not sure but we will figure something out.

"Did he tell you what he likes?" I asked; I saw a small smile creep onto her lips "the moon, of course." I laughed softly "fair enough, I was thinking melatonin and some pillows. You think he would like that?". She laughed and shrugged "maybe".

Smiling at her, I got off my chair and looked around at the shelves.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Hi guys, Rainbows here! This is the end of the first chapter...Hopefully, it is up to your guys liking! I am rusty and last wrote a while ago so I am trying to get back into the swing of things. Please let me know if you have any feedback! I'd love to hear what you guys have to say about it! Thank you for reading!

                          ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

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