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Jades POV~

I woke up groaning softly; I couldn't remember what happened. But I do know one thing: I feel like I have been beaten with a few bricks. I slowly opened my eyes and squinted at how bright the light was.

I looked around, trying to figure out where I was but couldn't; it seemed so unfamiliar. "How do you feel?" a deep voice asked beside me. Turning my head a bit to look at the man, a smile formed; it was him.

"Like I have been beaten with a brick," I laughed softly before coughing nonstop. Trying to catch my breath but failing to do so, he grabbed a bottle of water beside me. Putting it into my hands, I smiled weakly and drank some of it.

He took it from me once I was done and sat it down. He kindly helped me sit up as I huffed in pain. Everything hurt ribs, hips, arms, face, feet, you name it, it probably hurts.

"What happened?" I questioned the masked man beside me. I heard a soft sigh "Well, you picked your faith, and now you are here," he said plainly. His words floated around my mind: now I'm here? Are they not going to let me leave?

"So I'm stuck here?" I asked as my voice started to crack; tears pricked at my eyes while I stared at him. He nodded, looking off at the door; I sighed as tears streamed down my face. I finally felt like I belonged somewhere.

Like I have made the right choices, but now this happens. I wish I stayed at the shop that night, maybe gone out the following day. Then I could have had more time; I probably would have made it home.

Crying quietly with my hands over my face, he quickly rubbed my back to calm me down. It felt nice, almost like he cared about me. "I'm sorry," he said before walking to the door.

"When you're ready, come to the campfire. I will introduce you to everyone, and you can get something to eat," he said before leaving me to my thoughts. I began crying harder, running my hands hastily through my hair, pulling every so often.

Light footsteps were heard outside the tent. "Hello?" a shy voice said from the other side. I sniffled quietly, looking in the direction the sound was in. "Yes?" I asked, my voice sounding shaky.

"Can I come in? I have some food," he said. "Oh yeah, of course" I said quietly. I watched the tall man enter; he walked over to me and sat the bowl beside my bed. He turned around and sat down across from me, watching my movements.

I smiled at him "thank you. I haven't eaten in a while, so this is nice," I said, looking up at him. I saw a slight smile through the mask he was wearing. It was cute; he seemed like a nice guy.

I brought a spoonful of soup to my lips and blew on it. I ate a little bit, and instantly, my eyes lit up like a full moon. I was quickly downing the rest of the delicious food. "Who made this? They are amazing! I could hug them" I exclaimed happily.

He turned away and slightly raised his hand. "Me" his quiet voice said; I swung my legs off the bed and weakly stood up, walking a short distance to him. I leaned over and hugged him "well, thank you, I enjoyed it." He tensed up while I hugged him, I quickly pulled away looking at my feet.

"I'm sorry; I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," I said quietly rubbing my arm. "N-No, you're fine...just didn't expect that" he said, my cheeks started turning red as I looked everywhere but him.

I sighed and limped to the door. "I guess we should go" I said as I opened up the 'door'. He quickly got up and walked over to me helping me out; he let me use him as a crutch while we walked to the campfire.

He asked me how I felt, and I told him the same thing I told the other; he laughed and nodded. We finally approached the white-masked man, I let out a tired sigh as we stood in front of him. "I helped her up," the man beside me said looking in my direction; I smile slight as I leaned against the man holding me up.

"Do you want to show her the waterfall?" I perked up at those words, "Waterfall?" I asked with a huge smile. Before I could say anything else, I was being dragged off to where this said waterfall was. The man pulling me had a big smile under his mask, he seemed to be happier about this than me.

After a while of walking, he stopped as I heard water falling behind me; I turned and smiled brightly. It was breathtaking, "wow..." I said to myself, limping closer to the water; kneeling down wincing in pain.

I ran my hands over the water; it was very warm compared to what I am used to. I knew it would make me feel ten times better. "Will you be back later?" I asked; he looked around and nodded, walking to another part of the water.

Once he was out of view, I stripped to nothing and limped into the water, sighing happily. I floated around, enjoying the warmth that surrounded my body. Maybe it won't be as bad as I thought.

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