Chapter 1

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Eli peered out from the bushes, eyes scanning the quiet cul-de-sac. Still nothing. His legs were starting to cramp from too long crouched in an uncomfortable position and he could feel his irritation growing by the second. It was just like the Bewley brothers to be late. Four hours spent hiding in these overgrown bushes, making sure he arrived early enough that everyone would still be at work and wouldn't see him hiding. The last thing he needed was a soccer mom calling the police on the pervert doing who knows what outside everyone's houses. If they knew the actual reason he was hiding, they would have called SWAT.

The worst part of the waiting was the time it gave him to think. He blamed Delilah, Benjamin, the Bewley's, and himself most of all. Even if he knew that was irrational. Emotions were bullshit most of the time he'd found. All these thoughts churned in his head, adding to his growing anxiety and anger. Eli forced the thoughts away, trying to daydream about everything working out perfectly and the night ending with a glass of whiskey and a parade in his honor. Delusions to pass the time. The sounds of an approaching car snapped Eli out of his thoughts, bringing him back into the chilly night. Headlights blinded Eli as a large car barreled down the road, completely ignoring the annoying neon signs in people's yards reminding drivers that kids lived here. The car screeched to a halt just across the street from where he was hiding.

Two hulking figures stepped out of the car, casually surveying the empty street as they stretched. Large as the vehicle was, for Jacob and Alex Bewley it barely contained their massive frames. The brothers looked like they had been carved from rock by a particularly ungifted artist and were twice as viscous as they were ugly. Eli had told them that once and only the presence of their boss, Benjamin had stopped them from trying to rip him limb from limb. There would be no one to stop them from trying to kill him tonight though, in fact he suspected Benjamin would give them a bonus for the murder.

Now was the time to confront them and hope for the best, but Eli's feet refused to move. He stayed crouched in the bushes as Jacob and Alex strode down the street towards a dark blue house. His breathing sounded loud and shallow in his ears as doubt and fear clawed their way into his mind. This really wasn't any of his concern. He had tried to settle this peacefully and gotten nothing out of it. It was no longer his job and interfering would only lead to blood and he was already on thin ice. Eli turned to leave, ignoring the tiny voice in the back of his head calling him a coward, when he heard the laugh. He couldn't tell which brother it came from, but it was loud and full of an eagerness that he recognized too well.

Tonight was going to end in blood no matter what he did. Before the rational part of him could object, Eli stepped out of the bush and headed towards them.

"Hey guys, out for a night time stroll? How crazy is it that we both picked this spot?"

The two spun around as Eli's voice cut through the air. Their eyes narrowed as they caught sight of him standing in the middle of the street. The two took a careful step back, gaze never leaving Eli. Alex clenched his fists, knuckles going white, a heavy growl escaping him, too deep even for someone of his size. Eli kept a cocky grin on his face as he stared them down; these two were predators and would pounce if they caught even the slightest whiff of fear from him. There was still a chance that he could bluff his way out of this without anyone getting hurt.

"Eli. What are you doing here?" Jacob asked, head cocked to one side.

"Well it's the craziest thing, I was just out for a walk when I noticed you guys lurking about and I just had to come say hi."

Jacob sighed. "Cut the shit. Neither of us are really in the mood. You were explicitly told to leave this alone. Benjamin isn't going to be happy about this, especially since you're already at the top of his shit list."

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