School arrives faster than expected for Ryan and she desperately wanted to get the year over with since it is Keith's last year in highschool before he goes off to college. Then Ryan would not have to see him for the rest of her life.

"I feel used." Ryan nearly puked at the thought of her giving her everything to Keith.

"I want to beat his ass 6 feet under." Normani grumbles.

"Alright ladies, let's stop worrying about the boy and start worrying about yourselves. Junior prom?!?" Dinah wraps her arms around Normani who cuddles into her warmth.

"First things first, we need to know the theme." Ryan told her and Normani began to theorize many themes in her head.

"What color should we wear?" Normani asked Dinah.

"Gold and white." Dinah smirked.

"Ew, y'all adorable." Ryan fake gagged then the bell rings.

"I know, if I see Keith I'mma beat his
ass." Normani tells Ryan as her and Dinah walks away.

"I'll stop her." Dinah also says which made Ryan giggle.

"Idiots." Ryan shake her head and goes to class where she is met with a distracted Yara. "Hi." Ryan waved her hand in her face which got her attention.

"Hm?" Yara hummed.

"I said hi." Ryan sits down and Yara waves back.

"I was thinking about something." Yara leaned back in her chair.

"And that is?" Ryan rose an eyebrow.

"I got a new skateboard but I don't know what to design it as." Yara shrugged.

"Ah, interesting." Ryan giggles and Yara rolls her eyes playfully at her.

"Yeah, but anyways. What's up?" Yara gave her a soft smile.

"Prom, you're coming with me no questions asked." Ryan stated and Yara jaw dropped.

"What if I was in a relationship?" Yara rolled her eyes playfully.

"That's an if, I know you're not." Ryan flipped her hair then they both giggled and laughed.

"Whatever, I'm wearing a dress by the way." Yara tells Ryan who smirks.

"And you're going to eat up." Ryan says as the bell ring.

When the end of the day arrived, the clubs were practicing together just because. Normani and Ryan were stretching while Dinah was just making random beats on her drum. Yara sat down by the best friends and let out an exhausted sigh since it was blazing outside and her club had been cleaning up around the campus.

"It's so hot." She mutters before laying back.

"No really, I'm scorching." Normani fanned herself.

"Scorchingly sexy." Dinah held her band jacket over her and Normani's head.

"I hate you." Normani blushed as she lay her head on Dinah's shoulder.

"Hehe." Dinah smiles innocently and Ryan roll her eyes.

"Gagging, in and out. Bleh bleh blehh." Ryan exaggerated and they laughed.

"Y'all wanna get some ice cream after?" Normani asks.

"Sure." Yara agreed.

"I'm in." Ryan also agreed.

When their practice/club did end, Dinah drove Normani and Yara drove Ryan to the location where they ordered from outside and was brought their order. Once they had gotten their ice cream, they decided to crash at Ryan's place because her room was the biggest of them all.

"Thank goodness you work there, that discount was much needed." Normani sighed once she is seated comfortably.

"As if, I know you have racks in your account." Ryan eyebrow rose and Normani put her index to her lips.

"Shhh..." She hushed, pulling down towards so they could cuddle.

"Anyways, let's watch a horror movie." Dinah suggests and they agreed.

"And take pictures." Ryan added and they agreed to that as well.

Once getting the movie set up, Ryan had gotten them popcorn and Yara gotten blankets. Normani and Dinah were setting up the movie began to playfully flirt.

"After this, you coming over?" Dinah questioned.

"On a school night?" Normani smirked and Dinah rolled her eyes playfully.

"We gon just chill." Dinah relaxed herself and Normani climbed on top of her.

"We never "just chill" Mufasa." Normani wraps her arms around Dinah's neck and Dinah place her hands on Normani's waist.

"I do need to get this tamed." Dinah rustle her hair and Normani giggles.

"Don't change the subject." Normani removed Dinah's hand and connected their lips.

A slow and gentle kiss that lasted for a while, deepening every second their lips were connected until Ryan and Yara reentering the room caused them to pull a part because Ryan was about to cuss them out.

"I know y'all not about to have sex in my house in my room." She sassed causing Normani to climb off of Dinah.

"No never, we were just talking." Normani bit her lip to not laugh.

"Didn't look like "just talking" to me." Ryan crossed her arms and Normani giggles.

"Y'all really are twins, the hell." Dinah shakes her head.

"Let's get this movie started or the popcorn is gonna lose its warmth." Yara interrupted and they all gotten comfortable once again.

Throughout the movie, they took pictures, joked and even slept until Ryan's mom woke them.

"Yara your mom is asking you to help her with something." She had told them without realizing they were sleep but it had woken them.

"Damn...we should get going before we get caught in the midnight rush hour." Dinah yawned and got up with Normani in hand.

"Okay, get home safe and don't kill my bestie or you'll lose yours." Ryan threatened causing Dinah to cover her crotch with a horrid expression.

After everyone had left, Ryan cleaned up her room a bit then took a shower and went to sleep. Normani and Dinah had arrived at Dinah's place then heard the sound of rain tapping on the windows.

"Everytime I come here there's a storm." Normani sighed.

"Guess you're staying the night." Dinah smiled softly, taking the smaller girl's hands and walking them to her room.

"Mhm." Normani hummed, biting away her smile. Once they entered Dinah's room, Dinah pulls Normani to sit down and Normani climbs on Dinah once again. "I'll try to be quiet, no promises though." Normani connected their lips a few times until Dinah broke them a part.

"It's fine, my mom took my grandmother to a restaurant at a hotel." Dinah began kissing and sucking down Normani's neck causing her to moan lowly.

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