Chapter 11 - A Rescue to remember

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The Enderian's cries shrieked through the hunters camp.

It was painful for Techno to watch, it made him feel guilty the boy was in so much pain.

Techno and Sam had been the last back to the camp oddly enough, but to celebrate the huge catch the humans had thought it to be a fun idea to tie the poor hybrid freshly caught to a pole and splash water onto him.

This wouldn't have been so bad for most, it was worse when you realised that Enderians cannot touch water. The stuff burns them. That had been clear from the burn marks under the boy's eyes where tears had fallen.

Sam had turned a shoulder to the torture happening in the middle of his camp, it made Techno disgusted. He had said to 'Let the others have their fun.', this is what they call fun!?


The Piglin hybrid's eye twitched as he stood off to the side, he saw as one specific human brought over a new bucket of water to replenish the one that had been used up in the last hour (all of it had been sprayed onto the Enderian in some way or other).

It wasn't long until now [y/n] would show herself, not long until he could run into the forest and put on his disguise.

He almost begged for his friend to show herself, he couldn't bear the sight in front of him for much longer. It was torture in itself to watch it.

Concentrated on watching the disgusting show in front of him he didn't hear Sam come up from behind him and lay a hand on his shoulder. The sudden contact made Techno turn his head to see the hunter's captain to his side.

"You'll have to get used to this kinda stuff, it's hard to watch but even I can't stop it." Sam sighed heavily, his gaze was fixated on the show in front of him. "It was a big catch, they like to celebrate it."

"With literal torture?" Techno raised a brow to the Creeper, he shoved Sam's hand off his shoulder and turned to look him in the eyes with a scowl on his face.

Sam sighed again, "As much as I hate to say it, yes. It's not like this for every catch though."

"Oh I'm sure it's not, only for rare hybrids right?" Sam stayed silent, "Tell me Sam, what would class a Phantom hybrid as, or an Avain for that matter?" Techno hated what he said, he hated to even think about what the hunters would do to his family if they were ever caught.

Sam's eyes widened at Techno's response, "I understand where you're coming from Techno, but you'll just have to get used to it." He paused, "Go home, we'll send the Enderian off on our own."

Techno didn't hesitate to move away from Sam or the freak show in front of him. How could Sam just be okay with letting the humans torture hybrids as if they were some wild beast running rampant?

Though he was thankful that Sam had let him go early, it gave him an alibi for the rescue tonight.

As soon as he was out of the camp's sight he turned back on himself towards the forest. He knew where [y/n] was in the forest, they had discussed their hiding place with Phil altogether. This way he'd be able to tell [y/n] what was going on in the camp and to make sure that no more water was anywhere near the poor hybrid boy.

He made sure to go the long way around to the hiding spot, just to make sure no one saw him, not that they would've anyway, now he had his full concentration back he'd be able to hear if someone was close by.

"Techno?" He heard a feminine whisper to his left, it was [y/n], "What are you doing out the camp so early?" She questioned.

"Eh, Sam let me go early. I couldn't stand it in the camp, honestly."

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