Chapter 8

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I woke up feeling really cranky.

I guessed it must be dad cause he was scheduled to get back from China today.

I went out to greet him.

And moreover I couldn't wait cause I wanted to see what souvenirs he'd bought for me.

Yeah I know, I'm a selfish little brat sometimes.

I hopped out of bed and hugged dad. Before he could realize it, I started rummaging through his luggage.

Ooh. A Chinese doll!!

Aww. Yeah whatever.

A Chinese dress.

I held it up in front of me and narrowed my eyes. "dad? Really?"

He winked at me.

"I thought it might look good on you. I don't know much about fashion but I can tell that it's better than all your baggy clothes."

Ah whatever.

we all knew it. But he didn't have to say it out loud.

I threw the dress aside and kept looking.

"REMOTE CONTROLLED ROBOTS!! You're aweeesomee"

I screeched.

And he'd also gotten a paint brush thrice the size of my palm. I tore the packaging like an animal and felt it.

Sweet Zeus, it was so soft. I kept brushing my face with it like a complete idiot.

I immediately thought about showing it to Dan. His eternal love for painting accessories.

I decided I'd bomb his place right after breakfast.

I scurried back to my bedroom and slept for an hour or so. First thing after breakfast, I dumped the robots and brush in my backpack and ran off to Dan's.

I rung the doorbell and was greeted by Mr. Reed.

I gave him a feeble smile and said good morning.

I barged into Dan's room with an over excited grin plastered on my face. That lazy ass was still sleeping so I had to kick him to wake him up. And tugged on his hair. He HATED that.


"Ow, man! What's with you? You've been doing morning rounds around here two days in a row, now!" he growled.

I wasn't gonna let him dampen my spirits.

After he straightened up I handed him one remote control.

"Come on, sleeping beauty! I just couldn't wait to show you these robots dad got me yesterday. Look! Look how they somersault!"

"ALSO I got you - this."

I extracted the brush. That oughtta get his attention.

His eyes snapped open as he let out a gasp.

"A Chinese custom made, horse hair, ultra smooth portrait brush? "

I nodded. He could be a complete geek sometimes.

He felt it in his hand and I cringed at the possibility that he might kiss it. Yuck!

"And uh.. Dan.." I started off.

"Yeah what? "

His eyes glued on the brush.

"Uh. I had to. Uh.. Ask you about last night..

What were you trying to say..

I didn't understand.. Or something.. "

My voice trailed off as I felt the air between us grow thick with melancholy.

I was trying really hard not to get annoyed and he wasn't making it easy.

I sat there with the frown stuck to my face.

Just then, Dan came upto me and before I could react, he did the most unexpected thing...

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