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Evangeline's POV
A week passed since our father's "accident", and as we are still 17 , we need a guardian. Papa already handed mafia to us a year ago , and now the company is passed to us.
So yeah bitch , we are RICH . Apart from Papa's company me and my twinny also have our own business - I own a fashion brand named DREAM , and Enrico own a tech company named D&D Tech.
So back to present, we are sitting here in this social worker's office and I swear that this lady is annoying, very very annoying. We told her already that we don't have any family but she is insisted on doing a DNA check and today we will get the results.

Our real life is completely different from our social life. For this world we have created a illusion. So for others we our adopted kids of Tom and Liela Hernandez who died in an accident , we led a decent life in a decent apartment cause the means by which Oli took our care wasn't very legal.

A ringing of phone broke my trance and I can see annoyance clearly written on my brother's face.

"Ah my dears it must be about your DNA results, I'll be back in a minute" and our social worker Mrs White finally leaves us alone
"I swear I am going to kill this annoying lady Eve" my twinny says as he leans his head on my shoulder.

"I'll help you Rico "

"So Eve what do you think about all this shits going in our lives?"

"Honestly I don't know what to do, what if we actually have a family??"

"I don't think we do , that man said we were on the streets when he found us and from what Oli found out , we were kidnapped, so even if we have a real family I don't think that they will remember us so don't get your hopes high "

"Yeah twinny "


16 years ago a piece of my heart was taken from me , my youngest children , my princess was kidnapped and till the day we can't find out who had death wish.
Every year me and my children celebrate their birthday, they too miss their youngest siblings. Alessio became cold and distant to me since my marriage with Angel, but it was necessary.
I was just thinking about my princess and my youngest prince when my phone rang.

"Roman De Angelis speaking"

"Mr. De Angelis I am Annie White , social worker from California, I want to discuss something about your children"
A topic about my children gained my full attention and I stayed silent as a cue for her to continue.

"A week ago foster parents of the twins - Evangeline and Enrico , passed away in an accident and as they are only 17 they need a guardian. We ran a DNA test and came to know that they are your children, so we wanted to know if you are willing to take custody of Evangeline and Enrico Hernandez "

Evangeline and Enrico
17 years old
My children!!!!!!
OMG my twins , my princess I finally found them...
I was frozen I can't contain my happiness and a giant smile spread on my face .
My prince and princess are finally coming home...
Mrs White's voice brings me back from my dreamland.
" Mr. De Angelis! Mr. De Angelis are you still there"

"Yeah I am"

"So are you willing to take Evangeline and Enrico 's custody?"

" Yes of course I am willing , I live in Rome, so I will arrange for the twins to come here, also please send me their pic if possible."

"Yes I will surely send it to you, thank you so much "

I picked up the frame which contains my love and my sanity, caressing her face I softly whispered

"Our children are finally coming home my dear Rose..........."


I just came back from interrogating a spy about the mystery enemy of the top three mafias , they already made their move against the Spanish Mafia and I think we will be their next target.
I entered my office to do my normal routine from last 6 years. I became the Don of Italian - American Mafia when I was 18 and the first mission I accepted was to find my youngest siblings, which is incomplete till this day . We can't find them, it feels like someone is hiding them and I swear I'll kill anyone who keeps my little munchkins away from me.
I was about to contact my men when Dad's voice came from downstairs

Ughhh let's go

In his office

"Al do you think he is okay " asks my younger brother Andrea seeing the biggest smile on my father's face.

"I hope so"

" Okay so I see that everyone is here" Dad finally starts speaking.

"Wait where is mother ??" Asks my another younger brother Reign

Ohh that witch must be practicing her witchcraft.....

" Mommy won't be back until evening Daddy, she went to visit her friend. You can start " says the most annoying creature of this house, my dear step sister Verona

"Okay so I have a very good news for everyone,, actually this is the best news of my life"

"Have you finally agreed to divorce Angel?"
Asks my lovely brother River.

I wish it's true...

"No River De Angelis,, soo the news is thatttt...."

"Oh come on Dad" asks Damon


Oh okayy

WAIT !!!!!





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