Chapter 5 "RULES"

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Evangeline's POV

We finally found my father's office after 15 minutes, despite the instructions, it's not my fault that this mansion is a freaking maze..

I was about to enter the office when Rico held me back and knocked on the door twice..ohh yeah , where the hell are my manners? I think they are on vacation... Hmmm

"Come in"

We entered , and it was impressive, oh lord come on they are making me jealous...

Behind the table was my father, my eldest brother, Alessio on his side and Andrea was sitting on the couch ..

Father dearest cleared his throat "come Evangeline, Enrico take a seat"

We both took our seats in front of him
All this while Alessio was observing our each step.

"So Eva and Rico , I hope I can call you that *we both nodded* , so I called you here to discuss some important things, as you are a part of the De Angelis family now , there are some rules which you both are expected to follow here and also after we return to LA"

We both nodded our heads like obedient children, although we know very well that we are not going to follow any of those rules.

"First of all you will give verbal answers to every question and maintain an eye contact while having a conversation
I am really impressed by your performance in academics , you should maintain that , you both will start school in LA after the break is over
You will not go anywhere without bodyguards and will always inform one of us or River or Reign before going
No drugs and alcohol
And yes no girlfriend or boyfriend, I am not saying you can't have one , but don't get in any serious relationship before introducing that person to the family, it is for your own  safety, this rule is for both of you not only Eva"

Okey every rule is fine...

"Any questions?" Father asked

Rico and I looked at each other and then Rico spoke

" No, all rules are fine . Well, when will we go to LA ?"

This time it was Andrea who replied

"After a month, it is a kind of family tradition, we come here , in Rome , every year during summer holidays to spend some time with family , a rule made by nonna "

"Okay " Rico said "Can we take our leave now"

"There is one more thing , a ball is being held in a week , you both would be introduced as youngest siblings of the De Angelis family, all our business associates would be there. So make sure to prepare your dresses for that ball . Also you will meet the rest of the family there and after that we will go to our family mansion in Rome"

Oh yess the annual ball of the Italian Mafia , held every summer , all acquaintances attend this ball , almost every Mafia family hosts such a ball every few years , but no one can beat the Italian and the Russian's Winter ball.

Of course, not each Mafia family will be there, only the one with who are associated with the Italians or have any kind of business deal with them would be there.

Not any major decisions are announced in these balls as we have the Annual Mafia Ball for that .

We said a quick OK and got back to our rooms , I mean my room as Rico is still not leaving me alone..

"What do you think about all this Eve?" He asked as soon as we entered my room

"I don't know Rico , I think they are Ok , I mean they will not hurt us in any way we are sure about that , but they have to come clean about their buisness as soon as possible, I don't think they can hide it for long , the ball is also in a week . They won't be able to give any excuses about why people are carrying weapons so casually in a business party."

"You are right " we both sat there in silence for some time then he said

"Do you think he  will be there?"

I froze when I heard his question
All those memories which I buried deep inside my heart started coming out
His  calm and aristocratic features, those beautiful eyes which reminded me of stormy nights ,those memories ...
Enrico just sighed when he got no response in return , he kissed my forehead

"Te amo hermana , good night"(love you sis)

"Te amo hermano" (love you brother)

He went to his room and I once again spent my night thinking about him.......



The next morning

We were all waiting for breakfast when Eva came , I can easily tell that she didn't sleep well and I know the reason...

She just smiled at me and wished good morning to everyone

She sat beside me and whispered, "I am fine Coco , just had an episode last night "

"Usual one?"


We had our breakfast in peace , as Angel was not there or else that woman would have definitely created some drama..

"Get ready , we will leave for the mall in an hour" announced River when we were leisurely sitting in the living room.

Verona and Damon practically ran out of the living room , I looked towards Eva only to find her having a little staring contest with River .

Few minutes into it and they suddenly broke that intense eye contact and we all went to our room to get ready.

"She is coming with me !"
That's what I heard when I entered the garage

" No she is not, you are taking Damon and Verona , twins will come with me" River said to his brother in his usual emotionless voice

" Guys , you know we are standing here only why don't you ask about it to us?" - Eva

"Great idea , so Eva , Rico who do you wanna come with?" Reign asked

"Which one of you will let me drive the car ?" Eva played her card well ..

Before Reign could answer, River cut him off saying "None"

"Speak for yourself brother, I ---" It's Alessio's order dear twin " --  fine then one of them will come with me and another one with you "
"No "
"What? But why?"
"Because I said so "
"But this is not fair "
" It is "
"How ?"
"I am older than you Reign"
"Yeah by somewhat 10 minutes "
"Still , I will always have experience of 10 minutes more than you in this world , so listen to me "
" Fineee"

"Well ,so, can we now .. you know" Eva said to River gesturing towards the car

She is starting to get comfortable with him..

Okay I am not jealous
She is still MY twinny

"Yeah let's go "

We get into his car and he sped towards the mall.

Happy New Year!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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