Chapter 3 - "Father"

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Evangeline's P O V :

Today our father is coming to pick us up from California at evening

Yesterday was a mess....

The fact that we have to leave California, the base of Spanish Mafia , is big problem that we are currently facing

But thanks to the technology and Mark - the old man , that we will be able to handle everything.

Normally all major mafia excluding The Spanish and French, operate from Los Angeles, which is not too far.

The French operate from Paris , that place being their both , origin and base.

We operate from California because papa wanted to keep us away from the mafia world until we were ready to take our place and also, in California no other person's authority matters more than ours, which is a plus point of being sole Mafia Organisation of this city.

The mafias in Los Angeles are a very tightly knitted group, having the Italians , Americans (which are currently merged) , Irish and Russians..

The biggest shocker was seeing Russians and Italians together in a group...

It is a well known fact that Italians do not get together....

They can't even breathe at a same place without a shoot out...

Well this was the situation until 30 years ago...

It is rumoured that the Ex American Mafia boss - Liam Kingston negotiated a treaty between the Italians and Russians which resulted in today's friendly behaviour..

Enrico's voice brought me out of my thoughts...

"Eve I have packed all necessary weapons we might need , and have also cleared company matters and now I am ready "

" Yeah , and Eve I have taken care of all the matters here , if any problem comes, I will contact you.. we can't shift our main base at LA but we can have some of our people there so you can operate easily "said Lily

Yeah she decided to stay at our home for time being as she is practically my right hand and with matters with both mafia and company, we needed her help .

" Good , I have all my necessities packed , and Rico you can't take all your expensive jackets--" "Heyyy" "-- Rico don't interrupt me , as I was saying you can't take your expensive jackets , we won't have any answer for it , as according to our lifestyle we can't afford it , understand?"

"Yeah " he said half heartedly

"Okay , now Lils please drive us to Mrs White's office, as they will pick us from there"
" Suree"


We were sitting here in this lady's office when suddenly we heard some car parking outside

"I think your father is here"

" We have brain you know"

Rico is loving arguing with this lady *eye roll*

Before they can torture me with another round of argument or more like Rico roasting this lady, the gates opened revealing a man in his late 40 with lots of bodyguards by his side... dramatic much

Now I know from where Rico gets his dramatics from..

He enters the office and without even glancing at Mrs White he directly comes in front of us

"Rico ... Eva"?

"Sorry old man , but it is Enrico and she is Evangeline"

"I know young lad , I was the one who named you,, " he takes cautious steps towards me and crouches down oh come on I am not that short , he is very tall...

"Evangeline you look just like your mother"
The he envelopes me in a tight hug , which I sub consciously returned ...

He then regains his composure and tells Mrs White in an authorative tone
" I am taking my children with me , anything I need to sign Miss.."

"Yeah sir , please sign this papers , then you will be their legal guardian"

"Fine then"

He signs the papers then..

"Stefano, complete the rest procedures , we will meet at Rome"

The man who I think is Stefano replies
"Yes sir"


Woww just woww is all I can say , seeing the
interior of this Private Jet ..

"They are flithy rich Eve" says Rico

"I still think ours is much better" lie

Our father approaches us ..

"Evangeline , Enrico I am sorry we have hurried in that office, but we have to reach Rome sooner , or your brothers will create havoc about it"

"No problem Mr. De Angelis" he slightly pulls winces at the way we addressed him but smiles ..

" Children you can call me father or Rome until you are comfortable enough to call me Dad"

"Okay father" we said in unison

"You can sleep, we will have our dinner at home with family, you can have some snacks if you feel like it, just inform the staff" he says and then kisses our foreheads

He kissed our forehead

But like any other time neither me nor Rico punched him , it felt kinda ..... Safe? Relieved? And by the looks of it , Rico felt it too..

"It's nice to have you back " he whispered and left....

"It's nice to be back too....... I ... guess..."


Hello dear readers ..
I hope you liked the chapter , please vote and comment...

Sorry the chapter was short..

I will make sure to add Roman's POV in next chapter..

Let's take a goal of atleast 10 VOTES at this chapter

Byee byee✨

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