Chapter 4 - "BROTHERS"

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I let Eva sleep on my shoulder, she looks so peaceful and carefree now, without any responsibility or care in this world

I wanted her to be like this always , I know 17 is not an ideal age for someone to inherit Mafia and own several companies, but we had to secure our future and carry our Papa's legacy by running the mafia he made..

I hope that getting this family will help us..

We will become a carefree child we once were, and also enjoy a normal school life..

It's not like Papa didn't let us enjoy , but after his family's death he was so protective of us that we were homeschooled

" Figilio, wake your sister up , we are here" the voice of my father broke my chain of thoughts


"Eva , Eve wake up sorellina, we are here"

"Please Rico , just few minutes more"

"Eve , please , do you not want to eat anything?"

As I expected, she woke up rubbing her eyes

How can a cute person like her become a terrifying mafia Donna?

"I woke up Rico , let's go"

We walked out of there to a beautiful black car, damn these people sure have a taste ..

The same man from police station in a formal suit , Stefano , stepped forward and bowed very slightly in respect of father
" Sir everything has been taken care for, now there aren't any complications"

"Good Stefano"

We then got inside the car and started our journey to our new family...


Soon the car stopped at the gate of a freaking MANSION
Man even our home at California wasn't that big..

Soon the car stopped at the gate of a freaking MANSIONMan even our home at California wasn't that big

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"Fucking hell, even our mansion wasn't that big" whispered Eva

"That's what I was thinking"

Our whispers were interrupted by the owner of that mansion who also happens to be our father.

"Let's get inside"

He said and motioned the servant to carry Eva's black carry bag , big mistake, she is obsessed with that bag , she takes it almost everywhere saying that it is her angel bag,
Like come on , how can a bag be an angel 'scoffs '

"No need Mr. I will carry this bag on my own , thanks though"said Eva

"You don't have to carry that bag Eva , the servants can do that" said dad casually showing his hands in his coat's pocket

"Well you see father, I don't want my hands to rust , so I will do it on my own, also both my hands are pretty much free, you see I don't have any pockets" here comes Eva

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