14: Nude

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Annabeth POV

Thanksgiving break passed by quickly. It happened like any other thanksgiving does. My brothers and I lounged at home, playing games and watching movies. I fought with my step-mother, but it wasn't that dramatic.

I don't have a Cinderella story, trust me. Sometimes, Helen and I don't see eye-to-eye, which leads to some petty arguments.

Usually, dad would break up the argument unless it was too funny to stop.

For example, this thanksgiving, Helen and I were mad at each other for two days because we disagreed on what topping to put on a family bowl of ice cream. The compromise didn't work out for us.

The month of December was busy.

I spent most of my time working on college applications or tutoring Percy. For some reason, Percy chose to finish all this month's work in the first two weeks of December. I didn't know why though.

We didn't talk about our time in the forest during our camping trip.

But, It was a moment that I thought about a lot.

I was thinking about now while waiting for Piper to get ready. Thalia was honking obnoxiously because she has no patience. I've had enough though.

"Oh my god, Thalia, can you shut up?" I shouted.

"I hate waiting like this. Why does it take her so long to get ready?" Thalia snapped.

"Why'd you agree to carpool then?" I asked, laughing at her.

"Because I'm stupid. That's why."

Thalia grumbled before blaring the car horn once more. At that moment, Piper came running outside. Her braided hair filled with different colored feathers. She was pretty as always. It's not makeup that makes Piper late because she likes the natural look. Usually, it takes her a while to get out of bed and pick out an outfit.

Piper rushed to Thalia's car and climbed into the backseat. She was already splurging out a few apologies.

"Well, I'm annoyed at you," I said loudly. "I have to get to school to wish Percy luck on his Math test. I had to tutor him so much."

"Mrs. Dodds's math test isn't till next week though," Piper said, confusing me.

"That can't be right."

"Annabeth, you're in AP Calc. What do you know? I'm the one in Percy's class, and we don't have our semester exam till next week," Piper confirmed.

"Do y'all not know that Percy will be out for the next 8 days?" Thalia asked too casually. Her eyes were trained on the road as we entered the busier streets of our city.

I didn't know Percy was going out of state. Where's he even going?

Thalia already sensed what I was thinking.

"Percy is finished this month's work early so that he can compete at Winter Nationals next week. He's leaving tomorrow and won't be back till Christmas."


Piper and Thalia looked at me in surprise. My outburst was definitely not warranted, but I was mad. I would expect Percy to tell me something like this.

"Why does that offend you so much?" Piper asked, her eyes sparking with knowledge. "Is there a particular reason why you look so hurt?"

"What?! No. I just think he should've told me. After all, I'm the one helping him study," I answered.

I was offended though. I wanted to go to Percy right now, and yell at him for being such a stupid Seaweed Brain. That's exactly what I decided to do.

I ordered Thalia to drive me to Olympia. She did it without protest; a silent message seemed to travel between herself and Piper. I was too preoccupied to care about what they were thinking.

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