29: Fastest Month of My Life

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I LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH. I listen to it all the time, and I am not ashamed.

My Instagram: g.chilukuri


Percy POV

When I got back home, I didn't even have time to celebrate properly.

First of all, I was utterly exhausted when I got back to my apartment in late June. My family and all my friends were there to celebrate with a party. I smiled at everyone who greeted and congratulated me, but my body was about to give out. It's been a long day of interviews this morning and afternoon; I was terrified on the plane ride. Now, it was late at night.

I wanted to celebrate, but I was so out of it that I fell asleep amidst all the excitement. On the couch next to my mom and Estelle.

Before I went to deep sleep though, I felt a pair of lips against my cheek. I knew it was Annabeth; I could smell her lemony scent.

"Amazing job, Percy. I'm so proud of you," Wise Girl whispered, her breath grazing my skin.

I cozied deeper into the couch pillow and fell fully asleep.


In the future, I probably won't be able to retell any details from the month of July. It was so hectic, yet monotonous; I barely had time to breath, let alone hang out with my friends. It will be worth it though when I'm competing at the Olympics.

Lupa Wolfe had done this before. When she qualified for the Olympics years ago, she strengthened her training regimen to a solid three times a day (at least, one shift everyday for conditioning, strengthening, and/or physical therapy). I followed her instructions and attended every training session so that I can be best prepared for the Olympics.

"It's a good thing that it's summer. You have more time to train," Jason pointed out one day. He decided to drive me to Olympia's swimming pool.

"Yeah, school would wreck me right now," I said honestly.

"Wreck you how?" Jason asked, chuckling.

"I'd be shitting my pants every day until the school was required to get me diapers," I laughed before turning on the radio.

"It's so weird to here your name on the Sports channels."

"Tell me about it. I felt so awkward during my interviews. They kept asking me questions, and I just gave honest answers. I don't know though," I replied.

"I thought you did great in your interviews. Your personality was terrific," Jason said.


"Yeah, fans around the world are falling in love with your personality, sense of humor, and sarcasm," Jason answered, turning into the parking lot of Olympia.

"Dude, you reading up on me?" I asked laughing.

"Just doing my research," Jason countered. "But, seriously, I'm really proud of you. I know you're busy, but we need to hang out more. All of our friends are missing you."

I didn't know what to say. I know that all my friends and Annabeth were supporting me big time, and that's why they wren't saying anything to my absence at social events and hangouts. They always invite me, but I can never make it. My schedule is pretty strict, and I have to stay focused for the Olympics next month.

Annabeth taught and told me to focus on myself first because I'm doing something significant. I deserve to do well at the Olympics.

"But, we'd much rather have you staying focused and prepared. We know how important this is for you, Percy, so we got your back," Jason said firmly while smiling brightly.

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