You get me so high

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JJ fucking Maybank. Hot, funny, stupid but in a smart way, only problem is he's a pouge and I'm a kook. I started hanging out with the pouges a year ago and up til' now everything's been fun but now that John B is looking for gold everyone seems distant and very overwhelmed.

"I'm just saying it's different now" I said passing the blunt to JJ

"I agree, but we gotta trust our boy" I shook my head in agreement

"Never said I didn't trust him, just saying that no one's the same, and not like a "we changed cause we got older" sorta way but like a "everyone's always mad at someone in the group" sorta way" I was rambling at this point, I thought weed was supposed to calm you, not make you even more chatty

"I noticed that too" he said passing the blunt back to me

"I just wanted to have one summer where everyone got along and we could surf all day and drink all night, not search for gold we don't even know exist" I know that John B is doing it to keep his dads memory alive or in a very rare chance of doing this and "find" him

"We're having fun" JJ said smirking towards me

"Yeah but it's just us, it's almost always just us, Pope is always doing his merit scholarship and Kie is either working or saving the turtles and JB is looking for gold and dragging us with him"

I don't know why but I felt like when I said that the energy changed, I wasn't at all trying to be rude or hate on them but I just wanted us to have fun, they're so much more free than the kooks are that's why I loved it here

"They have lives beyond just us you know" He said with a noticeable attitude

"I know" sighing I laid on my back in the sand

"Then why are you acting like everything has to revolve around you all the time"

"I'm not, is it so bad that I want to hang out with all of my friends without the constant worry that someone is going to start shooting at us?" Now I was getting upset, upset that he would even assume that I want the world to revolve around me

"No it's not, but sometimes we can't always be together"

"JJ it's been like this for the last couple week, I can't even remember the last time I saw Pope" I said sitting up again so I could look at him

"How about instead of getting all in your feelings about this, why don't we just get a beer and chill like we originally planned to" I sighed grabbing the beer he was handing me and looked out towards the ocean

"Crazy idea, and you can say no" I took a drink of my beer


"Skinny dip" I saw the look of shock on JJ's but it quickly turned into a mischievous grin 

"Serious?" I shook my head

He got up from where he was sitting and started undoing his shorts while I turned my back and started taking off my shorts and bikini that was underneath

"Need help?" JJ came up behind me, his hands going from my shoulders til' he reached the string keeping my top on, as soon as I felt the looseness of the top I let it fall onto the sand along with all my other clothes

I didn't turn around until I heard water splashing behind me

"You getting in or do I need to drag you in?"

"Did you forget it was my idea, of course I'm getting in"

"Hurry, you're taking forever"

The air around us was warm but as soon as my skin touched the water I was met with icy cold water.

"It's freezing" I complained walking/swimming towards JJ

"Hm I don't really seem to mind it" I rolled my eyes as I got closer to where he was

"You go skinny dipping with all of your close guy friends?" I shook my head

"No, only the ones I find hot" I chuckled and splashed some water on his face

"So only me then" he said watching me struggle to stay in one place

"You can hold onto me if it keeps you in one place"

I got beside him and put my arm around his shoulder, touching his skin made my body shiver and face heat up

"The moons beautiful tonight" I looked over to him as he looked at the moon, I knew we were close but turning my head made it even more obvious

"Yeah" he looked at me and found that I was already looking at him

"But I know something that's even more beautiful" he said pulling me to his front, I wrapped my legs around his waist

"Oh yeah"
"What is it?"
"Your ass" he chuckled cupping my ass

"Thanks, it's fake" I laughed

I didn't even notice we were leaning into each-other until I felt his lips on my mine, not even missing a beat I kissed him back.

Our body's were pressed against each-other, my hands roamed all over his back feeling every muscle and ran my hands up to his hair

We stopped only briefly for air.

"We're not having sex in the ocean"
"Why, you're already so wet for me"
"It's the water JJ, honestly didn't even feel anything while we kissed"
"I think the fact that you moaned halfway through the kiss says other wise"

He started kissing me again this time walking back towards land. He tapped my butt twice to let me know we were back on sand

Conveniently my house was only a 15 minute drive to the side of the beach we were at.

"My parents aren't home" I said as JJ handed me his shirt

"Good because I know exactly what I want to do all night long" he said whispering into my ear sending more shivers down my body

Authors note:
I feel like this isn't as good as my other ones but I definitely tried lol, I'm working on more stories as I'm typing this and I'm hoping to be more active on here, there will be a combination of smut and cute stuff on here.
Word count:1063

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