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( Writing this while drunk. 😊👍🏽 )

"So, how'd it go?",sero smirked holding his skateboard under his armpit nudging izukus shoulder,"I'd say I would go for another quick fuck with him..",izuku mumbled grinning remembering everything that went down yesterday,'What did I tell you man? Maybe you should break up with ura—",sero was cut off

'Let me stop you right there, I'm not gonna break up with uraraka..I'm gonna continue to fuck katsukis brain out until she finds out, ill tell her how many times I did",izuku explained

"Solid plan dude",sero nodded,"Yeah..any chance katsuki is gonna come out today?",izuku asked

"Why? You wanna see your baby?~",sero teased,"Stop it..he's not my baby",izuku furrowed his eyebrows

"Come on, everyone falls in love with katsuki..everyone falls in love with you, you both would definitely be the best couple ever with that",sero started to grin

"Cut it out, im gonna be seeing uraraka today anyway..",izuku mumbled,"Damnn fine, ill just go call katsuku and ask him to hang out with me, so simple! You go ahead and run along now, ill catch you later",sero shrugged

"Yeah..catch ya later",izuku turned around then walked off, sero continued to walk forward with a sigh,"Hes such a fucking idiot",sero said to himself while pulling out a cigarette from his pocket then lit it putting it into his mouth then inhaling

Katsuki leaned on the front doorway," want me to come and hang out with you?",katsuki asked, sero nodded knowing what he was gonna do to make them bump into uraraka and izuku to add more spice to the mix

"Cmon I'll teach you how to skateboard",sero winked holding out his skateboard, katsuki pursed his lips then budged,"Fine..",katsuki sighed

Sero had his protection but gave it to katsuki helping him put it on, sero and katsuki walked to the skating park then sero helped him get onto the skateboard, katsuki started to wobble then clung onto sero for dear life,"Dude I got you",sero held onto katsukis waist for balance

Katsukis lip trembled from fear,"Find your balance",sero said slowly loosing his grip on katsuki, katsuki held out his arms finding his balance succeeding,"See, you got it",sero clapped

After hours of teaching katsuki to skate he still didn't get it, sero was looking around until he spotted a little special somebody..izuku, and uraraka of course

"Yo! Midoriyaaaaaaa over here!!!",sero yelled, katsuki heard izukus name and looked around panicking,"What..where?!",katsuki fell down from losing balance, sero looked back at katsuki,"Oh shit!",sero shouted

Sero heard footsteps running over,"Hey, is he alright?",izuku asked helping katsuki up with sero,"You good bro?",sero asked, katsuki nodded quickly then turned his head seeing izuku

Katsuki turned embarrassed realizing izuku saw him fall, katsuki saw uraraka running up to the three of them,"Jeez bakugo, that was a hard fall! You okay?",uraraka asked

Katsuki rolled his eyes and scoffed,"I'm fine dammit",he furrowed his eyebrows,"That's good, oh! I almost forgot..I've never introduced you to my boyfriend, izuku!",uraraka smiled

Katsuki looked back over at izuku who had a shit eating grin on his face,"Katsuki",izuku held out his hand

"Deku..",katsuki shook izukus hand,"Oh, you guys already know each other?",uraraka asked,"Yeah, were close",izuku smiled innocently

"Yeah we're close",katsuki bit his lip looking izuku up and down, sero cleared his throat,"Hey izuku how about you help katsuki learn how to skate?",sero suggested

"I don't mind",izuku shrugged, katsuki gave sero the 'what are you doing' look, sero smirked evilly raising his eyebrows up and down

Izuku helped katsuki on the skateboard then held his small curvy waist,"Were definitely fucking after this..",izuku whispered in katsukis ear

Katsuki smirked then held onto izuku for balance, sero sneakily threw a rock at katsukis shoe, katsuki looked over at sero and saw him motioning,'ill distract her', katsuki nodded then focused back on izuku

"Hey uraraka, you wanna go get ice cream real quick?",sero asked with a smile,"Yeah, ice cream sounds good! We'll be back babe",uraraka shouted

"Alright!",izuku shouted back, uraraka and sero walked off not turning back around, katsuki made eye contact with izuku who was smirking, katsuki leaned in then connected lips with izuku

Izuku moaned into the kiss then katsuki pulled away,"Alright now about this skating shit..",izuku mumbled

"Rightttt..I don't really wanna learn how to skate anyway",katsuki pursed his lips stepping off the skateboard, izuku let go of katsukis waist then got on the board

"Your a skateboarder?",katsuki asked, izuku nodded,"Show me some tricks..",katsuki smirked, izuku started to do tricks that were solid,"Not bad not bad",katsuki watched impressed

Sero and uraraka came back and izuku stopped skating picking up the board, the four continued to hang out with each other until it was getting late, katsuki went back to izukus apartment then they fucked, katsuki went back home after that and got ready for bed

( Cutting this short cs I have a horrible headache. )

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